Chapter 24 - Krogan's End

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(Lopi POV)

I just stare at the orange eyes night fury. It hid itself behind the stairs. "Sister? But she has orange eyes! You can't mix pink and green to get orange, I uh think?" I say to Velvia confused.

"She is your adopted sister." She said to me.

"Why did you adopt her?" I ask her. She looked around 6 maybe 7 years old, very young.

"Well it was one night where it was freezing cold. I heard a soft cry outside our house and it was her." She said to me.

"Of course I let her in. I would never let a young dragon freeze in the cold." She also added. "How long have you had her?" I asked.

"About 2 years. She is very shy." I can see that. She was still hiding behind the stairs. Velvia walks over to her and says "Magma it's ok. Come out." So her names Magma huh.

Vel was still trying to convince her to stop hiding but she wouldn't move.

"She is going to move eventually. I think." Velvia said to me. "Seems like she doesn't talk much." I say to Velvia.

"She definitely doesn't. Maybe a few words here and there but she is very quiet." Velvia said.

"You hungry?" She said to me. "Yeah I have not eaten all day." I say to her. "I can fry a few fish for us if you want." Vel said to me.

"That would be nice. Thanks." I say to her. I remembered years ago when Velvia always cooked for me all the time. Are parents were always working and I didn't know how to cook.

I still don't know how. I see Magma peek her head out and I look at her. She quickly hid back after we had eye contact.

Velvia finished cooking a gave me a plate of fried fish. "Here you go. Hope you like it." She said to me. "I definitely will. Thanks." I say to her. "Magma. It's time to eat. Don't be shy." Vel said to Magma softly.

Magma poked her head out and slowly walked to the table. She sat down and started eating very slowly.

She was definitely trying to not look at me. I continue eating the fish. I have not eaten in a while so this was very good.

"So how did you find this place. Did you do it yourself?" Velvia asked me. "Not by myself. I met a golden night fury who actually already was here before. We both wanted to go so we went together." I said to her.

"That's cool. What's their name?" "Her names Melora." I say to her. "That's nice." Vel said to me. We continue eating expect for Magma.

She just fiddled with the fork and food. "Is she always like this?" I ask my sister. "Most of time yeah. You got to convince her to eat most of the time." She said.

Magma kept playing with her food with no intention to eat it. "Come on Magma please eat." Vel said to her.

Magma shook her head and kept playing with the food. "Just a few bites that all I want then I will let you go." Velvia said to Magma. Magma started took eat a little. She ate about 25 percent then left up the stairs probably to her room.

"I guess she's had enough. You want it?" Vel said to me. "I'm fine. You can if you want." Velvia finished eating what Magma left on the plate.

"So where do you sleep now?" She asked me. "In a small cave most of the time." I reply. "Well we have a spare room that is not used. Want to take it?" She asked me. "Of course!" "Alright follow me."

(Toothless POV)

We were face to face with Krogan himself. "Get ready Toothless." I hear Hiccup whisper.

"You guys think you can do this and get away with it!? Not on my watch! All of you will regret this." Krogan said to us.

His dragon swooped towards us ready to attack. The battle had begun. Everyone else started in there battles as well.

We started quickly flying to see if we can out fly them. "Are you guys scared? Come fight us!" Krogan mocked us.

"Toothless you know what to do." Hiccup said to me. I quickly turn around and shoot a plasma bolt at him. But, missed?! I rarely miss!

Whatever, I need to focus. We continued flying to try to get away from Krogan.

But him and his dragon were very fast. We fly across the mountain and Hiccup says "Drop me here. I will fight him." I drop Hiccup down onto the mountain.

Krogan's dragon does the same. Hiccup and Krogan pull there swords ready to fight.

"I hope you enjoy your final moments Hiccup. Your suffering will end soon." Krogan said to Hiccup.

Krogan swings his sword and misses. Hiccup does the same and also misses. They kept fighting for a long time and Hiccup was able to trap Krogan next to the cliff.

"I hope you enjoy your final moments Krogan." Hiccup said to him.

He kicked Krogan and Krogan fell down the cliff. His dragon was about to jump to try to save him but I shoot a plasma bolt at it so they couldn't.

We saw Krogan fall down until the ground met him.


Chapter is done! Very cool. Almost 800 reads! Thank you!

Word count: 913

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