Chapter 1

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The Creed siblings had just arrived at their new house, their moving truck parking at the front of the house. The two got out, and didn't waste any time in getting their stuff into the house.

Veronica chose the largest room, which had plenty of space for all of her things that she's collected over the past century.

Walking back out to the front, the girl saw her brother speaking to a man with black hair, a moustache and was wearing a police uniform. Noticing her presence, Victor turned to wave over his sister who begrudgingly walked to the men.

"This is my twin sister Veronica. Ronnie, this is Charlie Swan, he lives across from us and happens to be the Chief of police" Victor explained, watching as Veronica shook the man's hand.

"It's nice to meet you, chief Swan" Veronica mumbled, gaining an awkward smile in return.

"Just call me Charlie. Anyway i just wanted to come over and say hello. And if you two ever need anything, just come on over" Charlie smiled, then waved to the two and walked back over to his house.

"He doesn't seem too bad, huh?" Victor nudged his sister, who shook her head with a smile and walked back into the house with three boxes.


After spending a few hours unpacking, Veronica decided to take a walk in the forest to clear her mind. She wanted to shift into her tiger but being that there are no tigers in Washington, she thought it would be best to stay in her human form.

Walking along the bumpy trail, the girl took a deep breathe and could smell everything.

The water that had fallen earlier in the morning, the smell of bark from the surrounding tree Frowning to herself, Veronica sniffed the air again and followed the wet dog smell.

It didn't take her long to find the smell, when she came across a rather large looking black wolf.

That was definitely not a dog. The wolf growled in warning, his ears folding backwards. Any sane person would run in terror, but Veronica just looked at him plainly.

"Growl at me all you like, mutt. I ain't scared of ya" She drawled. The wolf stopped growling and tilted his head to the side in confusion. The creature moved behind a tree, and then a man could be seen with only a pair of shorts on.

"Who are you? And what are you doing here?" The male asked sternly.

"My name is Veronica Creed, and i was looking around. I didn't know there was pack here" Veronica shrugged while kicking a few rocks with her feet. Even in his human form, Veronica can still smell the wet dog smell.

"Well you should probably get back to your house, you don't know what dangerous creatures could be roaming around here" And with that, he was off leaving Veronica by herself again.

Walking back to the house, Veronica quickly made her way to her brothers bedroom.

"Guess I'm we're not the only animals here, Vic" She groaned, plopping onto Victor's newly made bed.

"What are you talking about? And do you mind, i just made that?" He grumbled, but didn't attempt to push her off the bed.

"There's a pack of wolf shapeshifters, and they fucking smell" Veronica snickered, now sitting up and watching her brother put stuff away.

"Great, that's all we need. Fucking mutt's" Victor muttered to himself, then turned to his sister.

"Come on, i can't be bothered cooking. I saw a diner as we were driving, we'll go there" He said, grabbing his jacket. Veronica quickly went into her room, grabbing her jacket and shoes then ran out to meet Victor at the front.

The two didn't stay out too long, and were back home within an hour. Victor stayed downstairs to watch tv, while Veronica went up to her room. The girl immediately grabbed her photo album, and started looking through it.

Pictures of her, Victor and Logan as children. There were pictures of the three together when they were in the Civil war etc.

One picture in particular grabbed her attention. It was a photo of her with her brothers and her best friend, Wade Wilson.

The picture had been take a week before Logan decided to leave her and Victor, and they all looked happy. Wade was being himself, while Victor had Veronica in a head-lock and Logan an amused smirk on his face as he watched the two.

Veronica hadn't even noticed that she was crying, until a tear dropped onto the photo. Wiping away the tears, the girl quickly slammed the book shut and decided to go to sleep. Not before whispering to herself.

"I miss you, Jimmy"

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