Chapter 4

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"Who are you?", asked Stella.


What is she asking? What does she mean by that question?

"Who are Maria and David Jenson to you?", Stella asked.

What kind of weird question is that!

They are my parents, of course.

I looked at officer Robert, confused. But he is already looking at me, waiting for an answer.

"What do you mean? They are my parents.", I said.

What's wrong with these people!

"Are you sure?", Stella continued with her questions.

What's wrong with these people? Why are they being weird all of a sudden?

"What do you mean?", I questioned, looking at her and then at officer Robert.

"Your DNA doesn't match with Maria and David, Arianna.", this time it was officer Robert who answered my question.


"I don't understand. What are you saying? How is it possible? They are my parents.", I argued.

They are my parents, right? They are the ones who raised me. Technically, no. But theoretically, yes. Then what are these people even talking about.

"Maria and David adopted you. Well, that's what they said and we are going to go with that for now.", officer said.

This is too much information to take in. They are not my parents. They just adopted me. Is that why they treated me so bad all these years?

Who are my real parents? Are they alive? Was I an orphan?

My head started pounding badly with all these questions.

"With the answers you gave, I presume you never knew about this. Well, they said they adopted you from an orphanage. But when we ran your DNA through the system, we found your family. We are surprised you belong to such an influential family but are living in this condition with people like them. We'll try to dig more information about it.", officer Robert explained me.

I have a family?

Then what am I doing with these people? Did my family leave me at the orphanage because they didn't want me? Did they not like me too?

"Miss Jenson?", officer Robert brought me out of my thoughts.


"Are you okay? You look pale.", this time it's Stella who asked me.

"Y-yes. I-I'm surprised t-to know t-this i-information", I stuttered. I was depressed with all the thoughts going on in my head.

"Everything will be fine, dear. Well, we'll go contact your father and inform him about you.", Stella told me with a kind expression.

I just nodded. With all the information I got to know, it was hard to speak.

Then they both left the cabin to make a call to my father.

My real father.

Would he take me in? Will he refuse to accept me? Will I end up in foster care?

All these thoughts are eating me from the inside. I was starting to panic. I didn't want to have a panic attack now, so I tried to control my breathing. After a few minutes my breathing became normal.

It's better to wait for the news rather than panic about it now. My back was aching again so I laid down on the couch.

After a few painful minutes, Stella walked in with officer Robert on her tail.

"Good news! We couldn't reach your father but your older brother is ready to take you in.", Stella chirped.

"Older brother?", I asked.

"Yes, your older brother, Vincent Marino.", officer Robert answered.

I have an older brother?

How many more surprises am I in for!

I remember officer Robert telling me they are an influential family. So they must be rich. Then why did they leave me in an orphanage? Didn't they want me? 

Most importantly, will I blend in with them?


"He'll be here in a few hours to take you with him. We'll go sort out some papers before he arrives. If you want anything you can have it from the cafeteria.", said the officer before leaving the cabin with Stella.

I got so many surprises today. So much information to take in.


I just hope I can have a normal life with my new family. I just wish they won't abuse me the way my so called parents did.

I tried to distract myself from the depressing thoughts and memories, I picked up a random magazine and started surfing through it.

After two hours, the door of the cabin was opened by officer Robert and it looked like he was welcoming someone inside.

"Please, this way Mr.Marino.", he held the door open waiting for the other person to enter the cabin.

Then, walked in a guy, tall and muscular, but not buff, probably in his mid twenties, wearing a royal blue expensive suit , with a cold and stoic expression on his face.

He had a cold, dangerous and authoritative aura around him. The police station seemed too quiet, not even whispers were heard. I stood up the moment he stepped in and his eyes glanced at me.

His cold eyes suddenly turned a little wide and he looked surprised, though his face still held the stoic expression. 

He had grey eyes, chiselled jaw, a straight nose and overall looked like a top notch model. But he was dangerous. I could tell that by looking at him, by the aura he carries and the way everyone is frozen in their spot. Not even a single whisper is heard that it almost started suffocating me.

And also the fact that he kind of scares me.

His surprised eyes quickly turned cold again and he said in his deep and authoritative voice, that could send chills down anyone's spine, me including,

"She's coming with me."


So, here is the next chapter.

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What is your opinion on Arianna?

Who do you think her brother is?

What is your opinion on Vincent?

Now the story is going to start!!!!

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Yours lovingly,


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