Chapter 16

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The moment Vince told us that we have another sister, I was shocked. But then the moment he told, she looked like mom and her eyes were like dad's, I went blank. That was something I hadn't expected. When he said another sister, I thought dad got someone pregnant and didn't know it himself, but, it turned out, she is our biological sister.

I had mixed feelings about it. I was happy to have another sister and to know that mom really had not cheated on dad. But suddenly, the truth came crashing down. 

Angelina is not our biological sister!

When we were young, we thought Angel was our sister. Then as we grew up, we assumed, she was our half sister. But the existence of Arianna proved that Angel is not even our half sister. I didn't want to accept that. I couldn't accept that.

Angelina is our sister!

No matter the fact that she is not related to us by blood, she was, is and will always be our sister. The moment she said she is not our sister, I lost it. I was furious. I was hurt. And the moment she said it is only fair to let her live with her blood relatives, I felt my heart clench.

Is it so easy to let us go? Does the fourteen years of our bond mean nothing? Do we really have to be related by blood to stay together?

All these thoughts were invading my brain and for a second, I wanted all this to be a dream. The existence of another sister, who happens to be our real sister and Angelina not even being our half sister. I wanted all that to be a dream. I wanted everything to be just like always.

I want everything to be just like it was three years ago.

But again I realized Angel was just saying all that in the heat of the moment. Though Vince had a stoic expression, I could clearly see that he was hurt. More hurt than all of us.

Ever since mom died, things changed. Our family changed. Dad was not the same anymore. No one was the same anymore. Vince stood up and took the responsibility of all of us. Though he was just three years older than me, he always tried to give me a childhood as normal as possible and took care of most of the responsibilities by himself.

Vince always keeps us before him. He always takes care of us. But Angel is more special than any of us. She is special to all of us. She may not be related by blood, but, she is in a way similar to Vince. Maybe his character rubbed off on her.

Maybe, because he loves her so much that he was the most affected person with what happened three years ago. We all were affected badly. But Vince was the most affected. He still stood strong and supported all of us. 

We all don't respect Vince out of fear or because he is the head, but because he deserves it. To the world he could be a ruthless, cunning and cold blooded monster, but for us, he is the best brother. We couldn't have asked for a better one.

I knew Vince would never let Angel walk away from us. So, I relaxed, knowing, she wouldn't leave us. After reassuring myself that everything is going to be good, I wanted to meet Arianna. But, it was already night, so, I decided to meet her at the breakfast. She deserves to be treated just the way Angel is treated.

The moment I saw Arianna, I froze. She looked like a younger version of mom and her eyes were just like mine, a light blue. I then greeted her and she greeted me back. She looked scared. No wonder. We do give some scary vibes to people.

Then, Dylan and the twins behaved like total jerks with her. Then Angel, as expected, was very welcoming. I noticed how Arianna relaxed while Angel was speaking to her. 

But then, Angel asked Arianna to sit where she usually sits. That's when the atmosphere of the room changed. Vince was furious. It could be seen by the way he was clutching the fork in his hand. I was upset too and Dylan and the twins just walked away.


Angelina is trying to give her place to Arianna, literally and figuratively. After calling Arianna to the study, Vince walked away, not acknowledging Angel's greeting. He is upset and angry.

After that, Angel was just picking at her food and not actually eating it. I waited till Arianna walked out before speaking to Angel.

"Complete your food, angel.", I said in a firm tone. No way will I let her go without eating.

"I don't want to eat right now, Theo.", she said in a sad tone.

I sighed, "Someone's arrival in our life does not mean other's departure. New relationships does not break old ones, angel. You don't have to give up your place, angel. A new relationship makes a new place in our heart. It doesn't have to replace the old ones.".

She didn't say anything but somehow, completed her breakfast. I don't have to worry about the boys' breakfast. I pretty well know, angel will take care of it. She wouldn't let anyone go without eating.

So, I stood up, kissed her forehead and started walking away.

"Have a good day, Theo!", she smiled.

She wouldn't stop caring even when she is upset. Typical Angelina.

"You too, angel.", I replied.

I, then took Aria to shopping. We spent a good time bonding. It seemed a little weird that she had no answers for questions as simple as a favorite movie or a favorite food item. She zoned out a little too many times and she looked more nervous than normal at times. There's just something about her that makes me feel she's not okay. But I can't seem to point out what.

But the second she asked about Angelina's age, I stiffened. I don't know if I can tell the truth to her. We haven't told her that Angel is not our sister by blood. I told her that she's of the same age as her. She started to ask if they were twins, but I cut her off in the middle. I can't tell her the truth. Not now at least. I want everything to settle down first.


We then completed our shopping and developed a good bond between us. I can say she is a good person. She will be good friends with Angelina. I felt relaxed spending time with her.

At the dinner, Vince announced about her school. After dinner, everyone went to sleep. Vince and I went to our respective home offices to complete our works.

Few hours passed and right now I'm in my bed, unable to sleep. So, I stood up and walked to the balcony and saw Vince sitting in the balcony of his room. Our balconies were adjacent to each other.

"Couldn't sleep?", I asked. More like stated.

"Hmm. You should be sleeping.", he said.

"So should you.", I replied.

He was just gazing at the sky. So was I.

"The same again?", I asked after a while.

He didn't answer. He didn't have to. I understood it.

"You should share it, Vince. More importantly, whatever had happened, it is not your fault.", I stated in a firm tone.

He didn't answer and just stared at the sky with a stoic expression, as always.


I wish I had been there.

I wish I could change what happened three years ago!


So, here is the next chapter.

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Yours lovingly, 


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