Chapter 15

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"Are you my twin?"

Angelina stiffened and her smile vanished. She had a blank expression and her eyes showed pain and guilt.


She averted her eyes and looked straight at nothing in particular.

"No.", she answered in a tone, I couldn't recognize.

"But Theo said we are of the same age. So shouldn't you be my twin?", I asked.

Theo wouldn't lie about her age, I'm sure. Then if we are of the same age, she should be my twin, right?

"I'm not your twin.", she replied in the same tone.

She is not my twin? Then were we born in the same year, but with some months gap?

"Then were you bo-", I was rudely cut off in the middle of my question.

"Angel, Ace is calling you.", it was Ash, standing at the door, with a blank expression.

Angelina looked at him and smiled, but this time, her smile didn't reach her eyes.

"I'll come. I'm speaking to Anna right now.", she replied.


Oh! That's me!

She gave me a nickname too. So does that mean I can call her angel too?

"Ace is in a hurry, angel.", Ash's voice broke me out of my thoughts.

"Oh! I'll go see him then.", saying so, she turned towards me and gave an apologetic smile, 

"Excuse me, Anna. I'll have to go. We'll continue our conversation later. It was nice talking to you."

I smiled and said, "It was nice talking to you too.".

She then walked out of the room. But, Ash was still standing at the door. I just looked at the floor and decided it would be better to leave the room. So I took a step towards the door, but Ash's words halted me.

"Stay away from Angelina."

I looked up at him shocked. He had a cold expression, causing chills to run down my spine. He is not as scary as Vince, but he can scare people too, if chooses to.

"W-Why?", I questioned.

Why should I stay away from her? She is my sister. I have a right to know her. Why does he not want me to talk to one of the only two people who are nice to me?

"Because I said so.", he told with the same cold expression and firm tone.

"S-She's m-my sister.", I said.

"I hope you will do as I say.", his tone held a warning that I clearly could hear.

After that, he stood straight and walked away with hands in his pockets.

Why does he not want me to talk to her? Did he not like me? Does he think I'm weird, just like how the whole school did? But Theo was nice to me. He even told that I will come to like Angelina. And just as he said, I like her. She is easy to talk to and friendly.

Should I listen to him? Should I stop talking to her?

I clearly heard the warning in his tone. He already looks scary and I don't want to provoke him by disobeying. I don't want him to hate me and eventually start bullying me. I don't want to go through all that again. 

But Angelina looked like a good person. I thought we could be good friends and probably sisters someday. But seems like I don't have such luck. Just like always.

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