Chapter 63

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After listening to Angel's conversation with Anna, I decided to find out who that guy is about whom Angel mentioned.

I went to my home office and ordered all the guards who were present in the mall to come to my office.

After five minutes, a few guards came in.

They bowed in front of me and I gave them a curt nod.

I know that my face is completely stoic and eyes are blank.

That's how we are trained to be in front of our employees and all the people that aren't family.

We can't let others see our emotions.

"Are you the ones guarding Dylan and Angel in the mall?", I questioned in an emotionless voice.

"Yes, boss.", they replied in unison.

"Did something unusual happen in the mall?", I asked calmly.

They looked at each other but didn't say anything.

"Well?", I probed further in a cold voice.

I don't know how cold my voice sounds, but some of them visibly gulped.

"Boss, something did happen.", one of them answered in an emotionless voice.

I tensed a little internally but didn't show it out.

I nodded at him to continue.

"A guy bumped into Ms. Marino and held her wrist to break her fall. They exchanged a few words and before he could do or say more, I intervened and led Ms. Marino out of the bowling arena.", he said.

"They exchanged words?", I questioned calmly.

But I know all the negative thoughts that are popping in my brain right now.

"I did not hear properly, boss but as far as I noticed, Ms. Marino might have apologized and he might have acknowledged her apology. He didn't speak anything further.", the guard replied.

But that's just a possibility.

Even so, he might not have talked anything important in such a short span of time.

But every small weird activity should be monitored.

It would be better if we increase security around the boys and the girls.

"What are the features of the guy? How does he look?", I questioned.

"He is tall and well built. Muscular but not buff. He looked young, maybe he is in his very early twenties. He had dark hair and overall looked like a person from a well to do family.", another guard answered.

"Well to do family?", I asked with a raised brow.

"Judging from his clothes, he might be from a rich family, boss. Though I'm not sure how rich.", one of the guards answered and the others nodded in support.

Could it be a facade to mislead us?

Or is this guy really not an enemy?

Anyway, it's better I wait and find out more and not act out on impulse.

I looked at the guards sharply and they stiffened.

"Why weren't we informed about this?", I asked in an extremely cold voice.

Some guards visibly gulped and the others stood completely stiff.

"Boss, Mr. Marino was also present there so we thought, you would have already been informed.", a guard said in an emotionless voice but I caught a hint of hesitation in his voice.

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