Chapter 21

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"Ash", Angel cut off Ash in the middle, raising her voice a little.

That's when Arianna stood up and ran out of the dining room. I noticed the tears, flowing down her cheeks.

I know we were rude, but things have been rough lately and all of us are a little restless. At least me, Ash and Dylan are. We can never predict what Vince is feeling, Theo always has a calm face and Angel, well she's completely unpredictable.

"Arianna!", Angel called her, but the girl just ran away, not turning around.

"What's wrong with you, guys?", Angel asked a little frustrated.

Dylan rolled his eyes and Ash just shrugged. She looked at me and I looked away.

"Why are you being so mean to Anna?", she asked.

"Because we don't like her.", Dylan stated in a bored tone.

"Really, Dyl?. That is your answer?", she said, a little annoyed.

"Yes.", Dylan stated.

"You can't behave like this with her. She's your sister!", Angel said, throwing her hands in the air.

"As far as we are concerned, we have only one sister.", Ash replied calmly, with a stoic face.

Though we both look alike, he's more like Vince and I'm like Theo. Lately, he's mastered covering his emotions with a stoic face. But, I can still read his feelings like before. That's what twins are like, I guess.

"Yeah. And that is Arianna.", Angel stated in an emotionless voice and a blank expression.

That's when my anger spiked. Not just me, but all three of us were angry. Though Ash still had a stoic face, you could feel his anger, looking at his tightly fisted hands and his glaring dark eyes. 

Dylan, however, on the other hand, didn't bother to mask his expression. He had a deep frown on his face and the veins on his neck were popping out.

"Angelina", Dylan warned in a dangerous low voice, daring her to continue what she was saying.

If it was someone else in her place, they would have been trembling by now, looking at an angry Dylan. But it is Angelina standing here. She didn't even flinch or avert her eyes. In fact she was staring straight into his eyes. 

It is not that she is the bravest person on earth or something, but because she knows that we would never hurt her, neither physically nor emotionally. 

She trusts us!

"You guys do realize that she is your sister, right? Don't do something for which you will regret later but still won't have a chance to take it back.", she said in a calm voice, looking at all the three of us.

Dylan is just glaring at her and Ash is staring straight at nothing, but his hands are still fisted. I refused to look at her, because I know she is disappointed in us and I don't want to see that disappointment in her eyes for me.

"Family is not an option. And she is your family.", she stated and walked out of the dining room.

Vince always says that.

"Family is not an option."

We all live by that. But I don't know what to do in a situation like this. What if accepting one person might result in losing another. And in this case I would rather ignore Arianna than lose Angelina.

Dylan's banging of his fist on the table broke me out of my thoughts.

"The f**k is going on in this house? Why the hell did Vince bring the girl here?", Dylan fumed.

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