Chapter 96

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Third Person POV

In an Old Warehouse (A few hours before Vince reached Italy)

Aria was exhausted from crying continuously and the pain in her wrist and finger.

She was slowly starting to see black dots and was on the verge of fainting.

As she closed her eyes and was ready to give into the darkness, a sharp sting on her left cheek jolted her awake.

She opened her eyes and looked up at the person standing in front of her.

It was the same guard who had been standing at the door all this time.

She looked at him in fear and he was looking at her with a bored frown.

"Didn't the boss ask you to stay awake? Or do you really want to face him again?", the guard mocked.

Aria bit her lower lip to stop her trembling and shook her head slowly.

"Then don't you f**king close your eyes.", he said, annoyed.

He turned around and took two steps to walk towards the door, but halted and looked back at Aria.

She was watching his every movement, scared that he would hit her again.

"Not that I care, but I have a small suggestion for you.", he said calmly, looking at her.

Aria was just looking at him in fear and caution.

"There's literally no one on either side of the law who can dare to provoke your brother. That's how much power he holds.", he started calmly.

Aria frowned slightly.

She didn't understand why the man in front of her was telling her about Vince.

"But there is only one man who can successfully disturb your brother. It's Mr. Romero. So, I suggest you follow what he says and not provoke him. Trust me, he never gives empty threats. If he said he'll mess with every joint in your body and break your ribs if you faint, he damn sure will do it. So, do yourself a favor and stay awake.", the guard said seriously.

He turned around and walked to the door without waiting for any reply.

Aria sucked in a sharp breath and released a labored breath.

Her lips wouldn't stop wobbling and the slight tremble of her hands and legs looked nowhere near stopping.

She had been away from abuse for so long that she had almost forgotten how painful it was.

All the pain of abuse she had taken until the day she met her family got washed away by the warm memories she had made with her brothers and Angel.

She had never realized until this moment how happy she had been all these months.

Vince was strict, but he was everything a child would want from a father.

Theo was always gentle and loving. He never missed a chance to spoil them.

Dylan was annoying, but he would be the first to step up in days of trouble and pass comments not to discourage but to lighten up the mood.

Ace was a brother you could call a best friend. He would do anything and everything to support them in any kind of mischief.

Ash was the brooding one, but he would be ready to fight with anyone if he sees any of his siblings getting upset.

Finally, Angelina.

She had been Aria's sister, best friend, most trusted confidante and the person who would stand by and have her back despite the complexity of the situation. She was the person who always had a way to cheer up Aria when she's sad or feeling low.

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