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"Y/n... Y/n wake up!" You were shaken awake by a guard. You fell asleep on the way home. You looked at the guard with tired eyes. 

The guard sighed and lifted you out of the car. You slowly fell back asleep. The last thing you heard was the sound of a door being opened and then your father's voice: "Y/n?"


You slowly opened your eyes and felt that you were in warm blankets. You growled and looked around, you were in your room. 

You slowly got out of bed. You looked around your room. The last time I was here was almost nine months ago. You were now seventeen years old, when you just came in the asylum you were sixteen, Michael was at the time seventeen. 

You slowly walked to your door and opened it. You looked around and walked downstairs. When you were downstairs you walked into the living room and saw your father on the couch with a bottle of water. Wait, water? 

Your father looked at you "Y/n!" He he ran towards you and caught you in a hug. You looked surprised. Why is he not mad at me? Your father released you and looked at your surprised face. He smiled "When you were placed in the asylum, and you were not at home, I realized how horrible I have been to you... I decided to stop drinking and start to do something with my life again. I now have a job that pays much better, but I am now only free on weekends." Your father told you, it was a Saturday. 

You looked at him with a big smile and gave him a hug "But... Why did you never come to visit?" You asked your father as you let go of the hug. "I- I was very angry with you and disappointed... But after I stopped drinking and made something out of myself I wanted to visit you, I really did! But Dr. Loomis- he wouldn't let me in, he said it wasn't good for you to have visitors. Sorry! I should have just come," your father said with regret. 

"It's okay Dad, that Loomis is a madman, but how do you feel about what I've done?'' Your father looked at you hesitantly, as if he didn't know if he wanted to say it. "Well, like I said I was very angry and disappointed with you at first, but I felt different about that later- I realized you wanted to protect yourself and it was a bad reflex." You nodded your head and smiled. 

"I'm going to the bar to see if I can talk to some people." You said enthusiastically. "That's fine, be careful!" Your father said. You nodded your head and walked to a bar nearby.


When you entered, everyone looked at you. You felt really uncomfortable. Maybe they know who I am. You walked up to the bar and bought a cheap drink. You sat next to a girl who seemed to be around your age. She had long black hair and wore blue jeans and a red sweater. 

"Hello!" She said enthusiastically. "I've never seen you here before, are you new to Haddonfield?" You panicked a bit. "well- uh no... I've been living here for a while. It's a different reason that you've never seen me..." 

The girl was still smiling "I see, do you want to tell me what that reason is?" You shook your head. "Oh okay! That's alright, I'm Alice'' She held out her hand. You shook her hand "Y/n" You said with a smile. "Okay, Y/n. Do you want to do something tomorrow?'' Alice asked. "Yea, that seems like fun." You and Alice exchanged numbers and had a fun night at the bar.

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