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~four months later~

You sat at your table and were putting candies in a bowl. It was Halloween in a few days after all. You had called Dr. Loomis several times and asked if you could see Michael again, but the answer was always a no.

~a month earlier~

"Hello, Lamuel Loomis speaking." You heard Dr.Loomis say on the other line of your phone call. "Hello, Loomis. It's Y/n L/n. I know this is coming out of nowhere, but I was wondering if I could come visit Michael sometime. I haven't seen him for three month- uh I mean four years and I wonder how he's doing." You told Loomis. You heard him sigh. 

"You know that that's not possible, Y/n. You're not allowed to visit him. Michael was also just captured again after he escaped. Sorry Y/n But it's not possible." He told you. You got so angry that you hung up right away and landed on your bed, growling.

~Back in the present~

You sighed and put the bowl with candy by your door. Your father had been gone for two months on a job trip. You sat on your couch and groaned. Your life was hell. You couldn't get a job because you had a criminal record so your father sometimes had to send you some money so you could eat. You felt bad for him, you felt like a burden. Your negative thoughts slowly took over. You felt bad. You couldn't even get a job.


It was a day before Halloween and Alice was spamming your phone

Alice: Y/n!




Alice: Y/N!




                                                                                                                                                            Y/n: Omg what


You opened a news article and your jaw dropped.

Asylum patient Michael Myers escaped once again.

You stopped reading the message and ran to Alice's house. When you got to her house, you didn't even knock and ran in the door. "Oh my god! Alice! What the fuck! Michael is back!" Alice ran down the stairs and caught you in a hug. "Yeah that's what I wanted to tell you!" Alice said. "T-this is unbelievable!" You said. Alice nodded her head and laughed. "I swear if you two don't kiss then I will make you-" You punched Alice in the stomach and she groaned and then laughed hard.


It was 31 october and you had everything ready for Halloween. You had heard that Michael had already killed some people and that he was now after his sister. You were watching television and having a drink and could only hope that Michael would come by. 

You heard sirens and walked to the window. You saw a police car drive by. You didn't even think and immediately put on your shoes and jacket and ran outside. they must be after Michael. I don't want them to catch him again! You ran and followed the sound of the siren. 

You eventually came to a house. You heard screams in the house and crept inside. you knew that what you were doing was stupid, but you had to see Michael. You were shocked to see Loomis standing on top of the stairs. you saw him shoot six times and you froze. Is he shooting at Michael? 

You turned to check for him, but the floor creaked really hard when you did. Loomis turned and saw you standing by the door. "Y/n! What are you doing here?!" he yelled at you. You turned slowly and turned around towards Loomis. "Do you help Michael with killing or something? Oh why am I even asking? Of course you do!" he yelled at you. Has this man gone completely crazy? "N-no, Loomis! You're wrong! That's not what I'm doing here-" Loomis shot at you with his gun, but missed you and hit the wall. your eyes went wide. Yes, this man has gone crazy. 

You ran outside and heard Loomis running after you and yelling at you to come back. You ran to where Michael must have fallen. When you got to the place, you saw nothing. 

Oh no... Where is he? You couldn't think any further because you felt a bullet push through your shoulder. You hissed in pain and fell to the ground holding onto your bleeding shoulder. You looked ahead and saw Loomis with his gun. "I should never have let you go Y/n! I should have known that if you hang out with Michael nothing good will come out of you!" Loomis shouted. He walked closer to you. "Now it's time to fix that mistake I made," he said. He pointed the gun at your forehead and pulled the trigger. You gritted your teeth and looked into Loomis's eyes. 

Just before Loomis could fire, a knife was thrown down his throat. Loomis gasped and fell to the ground. You looked tiredly behind you and saw Michael standing there, mask and overalls on. You smiled. "Michael..." You said quietly. Michael nodded his head and walked over to you. He picked you up bridal style and then walked over to Loomis and took the knife from his throat. 

Blood was streaming from his neck like a fountain. Loomis was slowly bleeding to death. Michael let out a big sigh, a sigh of relief. A sigh of knowing Loomis was gone. 

Michael walked back to your house with you in his arms. You held your hand tight to the wound, but it was still bleeding a lot. "Michael... the bleeding is so bad I-" Michael pulled you closer to him. "Everythi- everything will be fine..." You smiled. Yes... Everything will be fin- WAIT! "Michael- did you just talk?" You asked in shock.  You looked up at the masked killer and heard him laugh.

"Yes, i did. Now rest."

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