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You woke up in Michael's arms and didn't want to get out of bed because you were afraid you would wake him up. You thought back to what had happened the night before and blushed. 

After a while Michael also woke up and the first thing he saw was you looking into his soul. Michael jumped a bit from that. You laughed. "Out of all that you can be afraid of, you are afraid of me?" you asked jokingly. Michael grinned and rolled his eyes. 

He then pinned you to your bed and kissed you. Your eyes rolled back and you moaned. Your eyes widened when you realized what you were doing and Michael grinned and deepened the kiss. It got hot in the room and your hands ran through Michael's hair. Your make out session got deeper and deeper to the point where Michael had his hands on your shirt, about to take it off. 

But not everything can stay fun forever because the doorbell went off. You and Michael stopped kissing and you groaned. Micheal also seemed pissed off that you were being interrupted. You quickly put some new clothes on and ran to the door. 

you opened it and gulped. There was a police officer at your door. You smiled nervously at him. "Hello sir, is there something wrong?" The officer looked sternly at you and nodded his head. "Hello, yes there is something going on, Y/n is it?" You smiled back and nodded your head. "Okay good, my name is Arnold." You stepped out of the way. "Okay Officer Arnold, come in." The officer stepped in and sat at your table. 

"Is your father there too?" Arnold asked. You shook your head. "No, he travels a lot for work." You told him. The officer nodded his head in understanding. "Would you like some coffee?" You asked the officer out of kindness. The stern-looking officer smiled and shook his head. "Oh, okay!" You sat across from the officer at the table. "What is it you want to talk about?" you asked him. 

Of course you already knew what he was going to talk about, but you had to appear clueless. "Yeah, it's about Michael Myers, we were wondering, since you've always been really close to him, do you maybe know where he might be?" Yes, of course I know! He is sitting on my bed waiting for me. 

You shook your head. "Sorry but no... I only heard about him and what happened. I also read somewhere that Dr. Samuel Loomis was murdered by him but that could have been fake news of course." The agent looked down. "No, that actually happened." Arnold told you. You had to hold back the grin that wanted to appear on your face. "What a shame... I would never want to see him again. When I saw him in the hospital all those years ago he had only killed his sister and you know, he was only six when he killed her and probably didn't know what he was doing at all so I thought it was safe to be friends with him." 

You looked at the officer with a fake sad face. "When I had to leave the hospital I really wanted to see Michael again, but after he committed all those new murders I never wanted to see him again." You told Arnold. You didn't tell him that you had not so long ago called Dr. Loomis several times to please see Michael. 

The officer nodded his head, satisfied with what you had told him. "Okay Ms. Y/n. Thanks for your time. I know enough now." You smiled at the man and nodded your head. Arnold walked to your door. "Have a nice day, Y/n." said Arnold. "You too, Officer Arnold." You waved at each other and you closed the door. 

You let out a sigh of relief and walked back upstairs to your room. But when you were in your room, you didn't see Michael anywhere. "Uhm Michael? Where are you?" When you turned back to your door, you saw Michael standing by your door. 

He picked you up and pinned you on your bed again. Michael grinned. "Now, where were we?"


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