mc partners

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—— november 27, 2017
⤷ in which hyerin becomes
a temporary mc for music bank
alongside someone else...


"I REALLY DON'T KNOW WHY you would sign me up for this, especially so last minute," Hyerin complains, twisting her hair and clipping it with a large hair claw as she rushes through the halls of the Music Bank building.

"Excuse you, young lady, but I run a very tight ship here," Her manager, Haru, replies with the same amount of sass, "It completely slipped my mind when I'm the manager of a literal child."

Hyerin gasps dramatically with fake offense, "I just turned 23 a couple of weeks ago!" A moment of silence passes as her manager stares at her with an unimpressed look as they board an elevator, "But that's not the point! How can you forget to tell me that I was going to be a temporary MC for Music Bank? How do you forget something like that?!"

Haru sighs, "Our schedule that day was hectic — more hectic than usual. I was getting calls from interviewers from the states and I had gotten a call right after I was told you were going to be an MC and it just slipped my mind."

This time, Hyerin lets out a sigh, knowing what day he was talking about and remembering that they had to stop on the side of the road while they were on their way to an interview because Haru looked like he was about to have a panic attack.

"It's okay," The artist speaks up, "This isn't anything that I can't handle, really."

Her manager looks at her with a quizzical look, "Where's that sudden confidence coming from?"

Hyerin gives him a pointed look, "This is natural confidence, Haru," Her manager chuckles fondly, "Besides, being an MC seems pretty easy, I'm just wondering who I got paired with."

"Well, we're about to find out," Haru looks through his phone as they step out of the elevator, "You'll be meeting your partner and doing a quick line rehearsal since your first show is this Friday."

"So soon? How long will we be MC'ing for?" Hyerin asks.

"You'll only be temporary MC's, so it's just for a couple of weeks," Haru answers, tucking his phone into his pocket as they reach the room they were in search of, "This should be it," He turns to look at Hyerin with a slightly apologetic look, "Are you ready?"

Hyerin shrugs.

He knocks on the door and waits a couple of seconds before turning the knob and holding the door open for her, to which she follows and steps inside the room. Her eyes immediately scan the room in a sort of panic, despite her looking completely calm on the outside.

It's not until her eyes land on Kim Namjoon, the leader of BTS, that she feels herself tense up.

She didn't have anything against the leader, really. In fact, she thought he was quite handsome and good-looking (and when she said quite, she meant very). The only thing that made her tense was the fact that both his group and herself were rising to more higher fame in both Korea and internationally, which made people pin them against each other when they've never interacted with each other besides besides bowing at one another in award shows, and, well, up until now.

If Kim Namjoon was going to be her MC partner, she was in one hell of a media ride.

Hyerin snaps back to reality when she feels Haru subtly nudge her, and she immediately bows towards the boy, letting out a 'hello.'

𝗶𝗻𝘃𝘂, soloistWhere stories live. Discover now