safety net

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─── march 7, 2018
⤷ in which hyerin
and namjoon share a
sentimental moment...

notes before we start:
i highly recommend listening
to the song 'safety net' by ariana
grande when the lyrics start showing up
as this chapter was highly
inspired by that song ! though maybe
re-reading it and playing the song
after would be better as there are some
pauses in order to match the lyrics
w what's going on, but other than that
enjoy :)


HYERIN RUSHES AROUND HER house, fixing the smallest of details as she slides around the whole place to make sure everything looked and was perfect.

Namjoon was coming over any minute now and she wanted to make sure that everything looked fine (even though he had been over to her place several times now). He had asked to come over after finishing up with work over there at his company, and Hyerin immediately said yes, shooting up from her bed to get both herself and her home ready.

She didn't know why, but Hyerin just had a feeling about tonight.

At the same time, she couldn't exactly put a finger on it, but she just felt it deep down inside of her.

Everything felt so effortless when they were together, but recently there had been so much tension built up between them. Maybe it was because they had so many sentimental moments or their feelings for each other were too obvious, though they still hadn't made anything official yet.

Still, Namjoon was probably the biggest sweetheart Hyerin had ever met; he was so sweet and attentive with her that it made her go crazy—well, everything about him made her go crazy. For Valentine's Day, he had a bouquet of her favorite flowers, tulips, sent to her home early in the morning and had brought food from her one of her favorite takeout places later that day.

Maybe it was just the same nerves Hyerin felt throughout this entire thing with him, but she could just hear something different about Namjoon's voice when he called her earlier. It wasn't like a bad feeling, but her overthinking was really getting the best of her right now.

It was almost 1am, and Hyerin silently thanked whoever was up there that she didn't have to go into work until later on in the evening, just for a quick meeting. She sat herself on her couch in the middle of the living room, waiting to hear some type of knock from the door or a ping from her phone, signaling that Namjoon had arrived.

Deep down, she was hoping that that feeling was a good one. That maybe Namjoon was going to make things official and ask her to be his girlfriend.

Because she wouldn't know what to do if it turned out to be a bad feeling.

All this time she was letting herself fall freely after everything that had happened with her past relationships and she was really hoping that it wouldn't backfire on her. Though she knew that Namjoon was in no way anything like her two ex's, the thought of everything just crumbling down and going out the window after months of talking and gaining feelings made her scared.

Hell, sometimes even the thought of things actually working out scared her, too. It was like she could never win.

But she took comfort in all the sweet moments, all the late nights when they would just talk about anything and everything, whether it was in the middle of Hyerin's kitchen over several bottles of soju or in that park where they had their first date, munching on their favorite snacks. Or when they would stay up face-timing and talking about their days or about work, going so late into the night that one or the other, or even both, would end up falling asleep with the call still going all throughout the night. Or the times Namjoon would come over to her place and they would put on a movie or show but they wouldn't even end up watching it as they made out on her couch.

𝗶𝗻𝘃𝘂, soloistWhere stories live. Discover now