the first date

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─── january 14, 2018
⤷ in which hyerin and
namjoon go on their
first date....

notes before we start:
nothing much besides the fact that
this chapter came out much longer than
expected??? so just a heads up on that
lmao but pls read the notes at the end
of the chapter as well :) hope you all enjoy!!


    HYERIN SITS IN THE middle of her bedroom floor on her knees, several outfits laid out in front of her on her carpet. She taps her index finger on her chin as she assesses all 4 outfits she had chosen.

All 4 varied from a mix of chic and sporty, as that was her style usually consisted of. But it was currently the middle of winter there in Seoul, so, really, it didn't matter what she chose, she was going to have to cover up with a big puff jacket either way.

Her phone pinged from her bed where it was charging, and she immediately jumped up to look at it. She clumsily landed on her bed, reaching for her it and clicking on the screen to look at the notification.

Her shoulders dropped in slight disappointment as she saw that the text was from her mother, asking her if she had been resting well lately. Hyerin sends out a quick reply and throws her phone back on her bed before going back to the issue at hand: her outfit.

She was going on her first date with Namjoon and she had to make sure that her outfit made a good impression as this would be the first time he'd see her in her own choice of clothing after being dressed by her stylists.

Though she knew that she was overthinking her decision, this was the first time she would be seeing him since their confession from the day they had finished their last show as the hosts for Music Bank. And after they had exchanged contact information, it was non-stop texting almost every day despite their perspective busy schedules.

They had kept texting after their last show, texting for a couple of days before Namjoon has asked her out on said date she was getting ready for.

Hyerin had been in the middle of a shoot that day, getting her makeup done when she had received that text from him. It had taken everything in her power to stay still and keep a neutral facial expression while her makeup stylist was dabbing lipstick on her lips.

She hadn't told anyone, though, as Haru was still on her about rumors and dating scandals now more than ever since fans had begun shipping her and Namjoon because of their interactions through out the Music Bank shows. But it was just the normal, slightly concerning, shipping fans did whenever they saw any slight interaction between two idols: immediately going on social media to post about them and make up theories that would send the media and others on a spiral.

At the same time she knew that Haru's words were true, and as infatuated as she was becoming with Namjoon, she would still be taking her precautions because neither Hyerin nor Namjoon's group would risk letting their careers take a fall after working so hard to get to where they were.

Both of them were taking their precautions, actually.

Besides the fact that they would be arriving to their date location separately as to not risk anything, Namjoon had picked out a pretty secluded spot not too far from the city, more so on the outskirts of town as he had found the spot during one of his many late night bike rides (a hobby of his that Hyerin was instantly charmed by). It was a pretty basic first date, but Hyerin was content with anything that had still taken some effort to be planned despite the said precautions they were taking.

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