Chapter 5: Halloween Night

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That night I proudly looked myself over in the mirror. I was dressed in a gothic Little Red Riding Hood dress, fishnet stockings and red convers. Stiches were drawn on my face, and I had bloody wrists and a bloody slit throat.

"Wow look at you,bloody beautiful girl" said grandpa coming into my room.

"Thanks grandpa, what are you supposed to be? A mime?" I asked with a giggle.

Grandpa chuckled and pulled my hood over my head, "Very funny young lady, but im only dressed in all this black for my meeting tonight. Wich oh..bloody hell im going to be late for! Bye sweetheart be safe!" He gave me. quick kiss on the cheek and ran out the door.

At about 7:30 I double checked my makeup, grabbed my candy bag and walked down the street to Michael's house.

When I got there I expected to see an annoyed looking Judith and a happy clown Michael. But instead there was no Judith, just a sad looking unmasked clown Miachel sitting on the sidewalk.

I quickly ran to him and sat by him, "Hey what happened?"

"...She said for us to go by ourselves, she brought her boyfriend over again." I shook my head with a sigh, Judith obviously would never change.

Putting all negative thoughts aside, I took Michael's clown mask and strapped it back on his face.

"Comeon , we dont need her. We're old enough to go by ourselves anyways. Hurry up before all the good candy is gone."

Michael nodded and fallowed me down the street, getting candy from each house.

About 2 hours later, we both walked into Michael's house where we found a drunk passed out Ronnie in a chair. We just ignored him and went into the kitchen, where we both sat at the table silently eating our candy.

Now officially having a chance to think, I decided to be brave and ask "...Do you think he really ment it...when he said he was sorry?" Michael looked at me with cold eyes and without warning flicked a peice of candy across the room.

"Who cares..I did it for a good reason Mel, Nobody talks about my mom like forget about the whole thing..ok?" I whispered ok and went back to eating the rest of my candy. The rest of the night we watched monster movies and threw candy corn into Ronnie's open mouth laughing the entire time.

At 11 I decided that it was time to go home, "See you later Michael I had fun..."

Then without thinking I gave Michael a small kiss on the cheek. I thought forsure that he'd say "Ew Mel how gross!!"

But instead Michael stood there smiling, while holding his blushing red cheek.

I smiled back at him, gave him a quick wave and ran back to my house.

When I got there I took a shower, changed into a pumpkin Halloween shirt that fit me like a dress, black shorts, and matching black and orange striped knee high jack o lantern socks.

Not wanting this night to end, I decided to wait up for Grandpa downstairs on the living room couch, and watch more monster movies.

At one pont I must have dosed off because I began to have very grusome nightmares.

I dreamed I was walking to school and a car pulled up next to me. Inside was a happy couple who were smiling and telling me to get in. The couple was none other than my mom and dad! They were just as I remembered them, my dad was very handsome with short brown hair, brown eyes and funny looking hair on his chin.He was dressed in a blue shirt and blue jeans, my mom was still the same beautiful woman I knew her as. Black silky hair, brown sparkly eyes, and was dressed in a white dress with roses on it. She kept calling out my name. Just when was about to get into the car with them, I saw Michael standing across the street, his eyes held a look of jealousy and anger. In one hand he was holding onto the string of his clown mask, and in the other he held the same bloody tree branch he used to kill our bully.

I looked at him with fear spread across my face, and shaking my head no. But my pleading didn't work and now fully masked Michael walked twards the car!

I tried opening the door but it just wouldn't budge! I tried warning my mom and dad but they wouldn't listen to me! I screamed at the top of my lungs when Michael smashed the car with the branch, as my poor parents tried to get out. When the sound of broken glass crunching finally stopped, I thought this nightmare would finally be over. But it didnt stop there, Michael reached into his pocket and pulled out a lighter! To my complete horror, he lit it and stuffed it into the gasoline tank!

Within seconds the whole car was in flames. The last thing I heard was the car exploding...

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