Chapter 13:How could this happen?

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School had finally let out for Boo, when she finished saying bye to her friends from the bus stop.She began skipping home, on the way there she was beginning to pass the old Myers place. The kids at her school would tell her that it was haunted, by something called the boogeyman.

But she knew that wasnt true, in fact Melody told her that she used to live there when she was a baby.But to avoid getting picked on, Boo kept that little detail to herself. Just when she was about to leave, she spotted a figuer on the upstairs balcony! It had on a black uniform, black boots and was wearing a dirty mask with brown hair. Boo wasn't sure if she should be scared or not.

So without thinking, she gave him a weak smile and a small wave. To her suprise he gave her a wave back, and went back into the house. Thinking that he might come after her, Boo ran home and was happy to see her sister waiting for her.

*Later at the party city store*

"Hey Melody! Hi Angie!" said my Friend Juliet when she walked into the store.

"Hey what's my position today?" I asked putting on my black party city vest.

"Cashier, but later on if anyone needs help with costumes let Melissa know."

I did my best not to cringe at the mention of her name. Melissa and I never saw eye to eye on anything, no matter what I did she always had to find a way to out do me. My misery was her delight.

But anyways, putting all that mess aside I noticed Boo looking around excitedly at all the Halloween props, and I was very proud that she wasn't scared of any of them.

"Go pick out your costume Angel, just be careful and don't talk to any strangers."

"Okay Melly, Love you" she said with a kiss before she skipped through the store.

"Your sister is so cute" I heard a Male voice say. I turned to see that it was Eddie, a boy I knew from high school.

"Oh hey, ya shes a cutie. Did you come here to buy a costume?" I asked.

Eddie smiled, "Yeah and to invite you to my Halloween party tomorrow night." He said handing me a weird looking pumpkin party invitation. "Umm I'm not sure I'll be able to go, I don't have a baby sitter for my sister."

I said with an uneasy face, "Well it just so happens that my nice next door neighbor offered to watch my little brother, so I'm sure she wouldn't mind watching Angel."

"Okay..ill think about it" I said looking away from him. When he was gone, Juliet came to me squealing in delight. "Oh my gosh!! He's so cute, you have to go to party Melody!"

I shrugged "Maybe I will, but I really have to think it over."

Later on during my break, I went to go check on my Boo. After looking through so many racks of costumes, I found her holding up a blue Alice in Wonderland dress. Decorated with clocks, hearts, and rabbits with black and white striped sleeves.

"Melly look what I found!!" I smiled as she held up the dress for me to see.

"Very pretty Angel, go try it on in the dressing room" without hesitation she ran into the nearest dressing room. While I waited for her I noticed Juliet and Melissa were watching the news on T.V.

"Hey what's going on?" I asked once I got near them. "Shhhh, were trying to listen!" Said Melissa turning the volume up.

I just ignored her and watched with them,

"Patient Michael Myers escaped from Smiths Grove Sanitarium last night. And is responsible for the deaths of 6 victims.He is believed to be very dangerous, those in the Haddonfiled area are warned to proceed with caution"All of us stood there shocked, I didn't even know boo was watching until she was holding my hand. "It looks pretty Boo, go get changed were gonna get going soon."

Melissa looked at me and Juliet and started laughing. "Oh my god dont tell me that the two of you are scared!"

Juliet nodded, "Uh hello! A manic is on the loose, how are you not scared?"

"Whatever, both of you wimps can close up, I'm going to go pick out my costume for the party tomorrow."

While she walked away I muttered, "Dumb Bitch" under my breathe. Finally me and my sister left and made our way home.

For the most part it was a quiet drive home..that is until Boo asked, " my big brother gonna kill me too?"

I nearly slammed on the brakes at that question, "Boo dont say things like that!!!"

Before I could listen to what she had to say next, my cell phone started to buzz in my purse. It was grandpa!

Before I could even say Hello, grandpa said in a panicky voice "Melody!! sweetheart are you okay?! Are you and Angel safe?"

I sighed, "We're fine, if you're calling because of Michael escaping, you don't have to worry."

"Melody! How can you even say that! you don't know what he's capable of. He killed 6 people and he could come after the two of you."

"Well if he does grandpa i'll be the first to let you know! okay bye!"

I quickly hung up the phone and did my best to not be frustrated with the whole situation.

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