Chapter 15: Halloween Mishap

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When I woke up my head hurt like hell! When my vision cleared I began to notice my surroundings.I was back in my own bed, Michael must have taken me back home. I looked over at the clock and it was 3'oclock in the afternoon!! Halloween day.

"Melly!! Melly!! wake up sis its Halloween!!" said Boo as she came into my room fully dressed in her costume, and jumped on ny bed.

To make her stop I took her by the shoulder's and sat her down. "Angel, did you..did you see your brother last night?" I asked. She nodded, "Yeah he came inside and put you to sleep. When he saw me, he picked me up and put me back in my bed and he even kissed me goodnight."

I was speachless, maybe Michael really did care about us. He had the opportunity to kill me when I was knocked out and he had the chance to kill Boo too. But instead he helped me and took care of both of us.

All theses thoughts flew out of my head when I heard a knock at the door.

Boo ran to answer it and happily screamed "Grandpa Sammy!!" I layed myself back down and groaned into my pillow. Grandpa just wouldn't give up!!

But realization hit me like a ton of bricks! If Boo said one word about Michael coming here, Grandpa would completely Flip out!!

Getting out of bed, I ran down stairs practically screaming in my mind for her not to say anything. I gave a small sigh of relief when I heard her talking to him about her costume.

But once Grandpa saw me, he showered me with hugs and kisses. "Nice to see you too Grandpa, but did you really miss me that much?"

I said trying not to sound annoyed ans trying not to gag at the smell of the old spice he was wearing.

"As ive said before Melody, I was very worried about your safety and to see you alive is just a relief."

I just sighed and nugged him back, he was being a big pain in the ass!!

But he was still my only grandpa.

"So do you have any plans for tonight?" He asked. I shrugged "Well I did get invited to a Halloween party kinda out of town, and Boo wants to go Trick or treating with her friends who live next door to where the party is being held.

From the way he was wrinkling his brow I couls tell that grandpa was thinking very hard about everything I had just said.

"That sounds.. very nice sweetheart, you should go.

I smiled at his approval but if I knew then what was going to happen next. I never would've went to the party.


While I worked on make-up for my costume tonight, Grandpa took Boo around the Neighborhood to get some early Trick or treating done.

I didn't have to worry about her saying anything about Michael, I guess she just knew better. Anyways after I finished applying white face paint, black eye liner, blue eye Shadow, black lipstick, and fake blood to my face. I put on my blue and purple clown tutu that was complete with rainbow socks and a white shirt with rainbow sleeves. And for a prop I had a bloody meat cleaver to go with it. When I saw how I looked in the mirror I was satisfied with my look.

I think I chose a clown costume because I remembered how Michael was one on our first Halloween together... only he was a real killer clown.

Speaking of which, it worried me that I hadn't seen him all day, I could only pray that he wasn't getting into trouble.

Later on by 8 o'clock I heard my family come back home. Checking myself in the mirror one more time, I grabbed my purse and meatcleaver and headed down stairs.

Once they both saw me, they both looked at me like I really commited a murder.

"Wow..uh sweetheart you look very.. different" said grandpa looking me up and down. I let out a sarcastic laugh indicating he was getting on my nerves again.

Boo smiled and said "Melly you look awesome!!" I smiled back at her, leave it to a 10 yr old little girl to make me feel amazing.

"Okay, come on ladies I'll give you a ride to the party."

I gave him a confused look, "But grandpa I could just drive us there in my car."

Grandpa nodded, "I know that Melody, but I'd feel a lot better if I drove you there personally".

"Fine Grandpa, whatever you want." I said with a sigh, when I walked outside my blood boiled with anger! There was a police car parked infront of my damn house!

"Grandpa what the hell is this?!"

"Oh don't bloody start with me Melody , I did this for your own safety! Fucking Michael Myers is out there and I will take any precautions to keep my granddaughters safe!"

I swear to god it was taking every ounce of sanity I had in me not to punch him right in the face. "Grandpa im 19 years old!! I'm very capable of taking care of myself! I don't need a chaperone!!"

The two of us continued to argue, until we heard the sound of our little girl crying. To make her stop I picked her up and held her. "Fine I'll do things your way okay! Just don't be spying on us when we get there!" I snapped at him and got into the police car, where the two of us met sheriff Driftwood. Soon enough we were on our way to the party, but what we didn't know was that Michael was watching us the whole time.

Once the police car was gone Michael wanted to drive after them in Melody's car. But with no keys he wasn't going anywhere anytime soon. But after a while a black truck with green skulls on it pulled up in front of the house. Michael clutched his knife when he saw who it was, it was Melissa from Melody's work! And some douche bag drunk on whiskey who Michael assumed was her boyfriend.

"So this is where that Bitch lives, did you bring the stuff Paulie?"

"Right here sexy" he said reaching into the backseat and pulling out a cartin of eggs and water balloons filled with fake blood.

Michael flinched at the sound of Melissa's high pitched laughter, once the two of them started throwing balloons and eggs at the house. Michael got out of the house, knife in hand ready to strike!

The two of them were to busy covering that poor house in sticky yolk and artificial coloring that they didn't hear the footsteps of a killer behind them.

It wasn't until the last balloon was thrown that Michael grabbed ahold of Paulie and slit his ugly tattooed neck. Paulie fell to his knees, hands over his neck with blood gushing from it.

"Paulie? Paulie whats wron-" but Melissa was so shocked by the state of her boyfriend, that she began to scream bloody murder! She screamed and screamed and ran back to Paulie's truck. At this point Melissa was crying buckets of tears and her shakey fingers tried to dial 9-1-1. But before she could ever hit the green button, Michael opened the truck door and pulled her out by her hair ignoring her screams.To make her stop, Michael grabbed ahold of her neck and slammed her down on her face onto the cold hard Street!! Completely shattering her nose and jaw!! When she thought she couldn't take anymore pain her life completely left her! Michael got into the truck (which still had the keys in them due to Paulie being an idiot) and slammed on the gas! He ran over Melissa till she was nothing but bloody roadkill. Once that murderous deed was done, Michael was on a mission to find his girls.

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