Chapter 9: A new Mask

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Later that night when I was sure Grandpa was sleeping, I locked my bedroom door, put on my black little mermaid hoodie, grabbed some money I saved up and snuck out my bedroom window.

There was no way I was going to let my best friend spend the holidays all by himself. So I quickly got on the first bus to Smith's Grove, not caring how long it would take me to get there.

When I arrived I noticed the gaurds were locking up for the night. But luckily i saw.a gaurd by the name of Machette who was friends with Michael and me.

"Machette!! wait!!" I called out, ignoreing the cold that was crashing against my face.

"Aye Mija What are you doing here so late??" He asked with that thick Hispanic accent of his.

"I know your already locking up, but can I please see Michael? It's not fair that he has to spend the Holidays alone."

"Uh I dont know Mija, I could lose my job."

"Pleeeeease, I promise to not take long and not tell anyone about this! plus I'll give you this" I said Holding up a 50$ bill.

"Consider it my Christmas gift to you."

He hesitated for a while, but took the 50 bucks. "You get one hour Mija, don't get caught." I took his keys and carefully went inside. Hearing the sounds of the other inmates crying and laughing, started to scare me. But soon enough I got to Michael's cell and unlocked the door. I smiled once I saw him stand up in amazment. "Suprise!!" I said as I held my arms out, I didnt even mind when Michael held me in his tight grip, the pain was worth it. When he pulled away we both sat on his bed and talked.

"Grandpa told me about your outburst today, this place must be driving you crazy huh?"

He gave me a somewhat annoyed look and said " You have no idea."

I sighed and put my arm around him, "I promise that someday you'll get out of here, and when you do I'll be here waiting."

I guess hearing that must have touched his heart, because out of nowhere Michael started to cry! I couldn't believe it, I mean I knew he was capable of crying because I heard it on the tape. But now that I was seeing it in person, it completely shocked me. To comfort him I smoothed out his hair and whisperd to him "Its okay, its okay"

But all my efforts didn't work, he cried so much that he layed his layed his head on my lap. I just continued to stroke his hair and ignored the tears that were staining my jeans. I didnt want this night to be unhappy, so I decided to sing. I remembered how my mom would sing to me when I was sad and it usually made me feel better.

"Love hurts.

Love scars.

Love wounds and marks.

Any heart not tough or strong enough.

To take alot of pain take alot of pain.

Love is like a cloud

Holds alot of rain.

Love hurts

ooooh ooh love hurts."

I noticed that once I started singing his sobs slowly stopped.

"Mel..I love you" he said just above a whisper. I blushes and I couldn't tell if he ment that in a friendship family I love you. Or in a relationship kind of I love you.

But i didn't care!! I leaned down, kissed his cheek and said "I love you too" But all too soon the hour passed and Machette appered at the door.

"Mija time to go", when I was almost out the door I turned back and handed Michael a present. "Go on open it", I watched as he ripped up the red and green paper to reveal an orange pumpkin looking paper mache mask.

"I made it myself, I know its not theme appropriate but Halloween will always be our night. With that said we both gave each other a kiss on the cheek and I left. But just as the cell door closed I saw Michael put on his mask.

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