Chapter 32

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Letter to Theo- check.

Dress for tomorrow night picked out- check.

Lunch date with mother in the garden- check.

Meeting with Draco tonight- to be determined.

It was getting late now, and I wrapped a towel around my wet hair as I exited my bathroom. I guess if I really thought about it, he'd been here later than this before. But it was already nearing 10 o'clock and with how early I had to be up this morning, I didn't think I could wait around much longer.

I climbed into my bed with my pajamas on and threw the warm comforter over my body. My eyes started to feel heavy as I watched the clock on the fireplace mantle tick away by the second. The crackling of the flames was the only other sound keeping me company.

Just as my eyes were finally fluttering shut to get some sleep, the door squeaked open just a hair.

"Emmy?" Draco's voice came out softly as he peaked his head inside the room. "Taylor said you'd be in here." He whispered, referencing my mother who was probably still down in the kitchen preparing for tomorrow.

"I'm half asleep. Come in." I mumbled against my pillow, my eyes still shut softly. I heard him kick his tennis shoes off before his feet shuffled across my floor.

"Were you going to bed? I can talk to you another time. It's fine." He caught himself in his tracks, debating on if he should stay or go.

"Just come lay with me." I mumbled, throwing the opposite side of the comforter open so that he could climb in. "You can tell me whatever you want." I yawned, fluttering my eyes open tiredly.

He stood next to my bed with messy hair. His light grey hoodie reflected his eyes, and the black sweatpants he wore were definitely the ones that I bought him last year for Christmas.

The smell of him was already taking up my bedroom as he moved around. He joined me under my comforter and made himself right at home, laying on his usual pillow from our many nights spent together in this room.

"I'll leave whenever you want me to. Just say the words." He told me in a hushed voice while I rolled over to face him. I shook my head lightly while I tucked my hands under my chin to prop myself up a little more.

"You can stay as long as you'd like. As long as you're nice." I told him seriously. He nodded his head slowly as he leveled our faces so our eyes stared into the other's.

"Can I stay with you then? I don't want to go back home." He whispered, tucking his hands by his neck to mimic how I was laying. I thought for a moment as I looked into his eyes before I slowly nodded my head.

Something was troubling him, and he wouldn't have come to me if it wasn't eating him alive. We laid for a few minutes in silence before he finally cleared his throat.

"I-" he whispered, but his face quickly turned to a frown and his eyes glossed over. "I fucked up." He whimpered, making my eyes widen as I watched.

Draco Malfoy is fucking crying in my bed.

He cleared his throat again before he took a deep breath and collected himself.

"I'm so sorry for everything. You're never going to forgive me, and I don't blame you for that. I know I ruined everything for you." He told me softly. His hand shakily reached out and grasped one of mine. "I just want to explain." He whispered, looking at me with pleading eyes.

"Explain what?" I whispered, squeezing his hand slightly to encourage him to continue.

"What happened to me." He said so quietly, the fireplace was louder than his tone. I nodded my head before I scooted a little closer to him, feeling the heat radiating off of his body.

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