Chapter 60

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I jumped in place as deep thunder rolled over my head loudly. I was brought from my train of thoughts, and my heart was hammering violently in my chest as reality sunk its claws back into my brain. It seemed like I had been lost away in my mind with Draco for hours, but in reality it was only 2 minutes or less. I think the stress and fear pulsing through my body might give me a heart attack and kill me before I even have a chance to fight back.

"Sweet Prince. It seems that we always run into each other this way." Voldemort smiled menacingly as I shook in front of him like a scared puppy. "I was... hurt when I had heard of your deception from Harry Potter. That you would one day choose to betray me. To try and be the one to kill me. But I guess I can't please everyone." He mocked me. I parted my lips to speak to him, but closed them back up just as quickly. Draco had already told me he'd never let me walk away. So much as a whisper that you want him dead and he'll kill you. Truth or not.

"I really thought you would have been on my side after all of this time. If not for me, maybe for poor Draco." He raised his right hand and gestured to the blonde next to him. "How could you go against the man you vowed to marry? I thought you would know how important this is to him. Yet, here you are trying to ruin his career instead of going back his every command. You never were good for him. You're just like that filthy mother of yours. And now you'll see just where that got her." He hissed.

I had no words to say. I couldn't control the racing in my chest. I felt like I was choking on my own air.

It's just like falling asleep. That's all. Just a quick pinch and I won't feel it anymore.

"I feel like it is only right if Draco gets a turn to play such an intricate role in the process of this." Voldemort teased me further, and I could see the smirks crossing the other death eaters faces as they remained quiet.

Blaise closed his eyes softly and tried to keep the torment on his face from seeming so obvious. Vincent always had been too pure for any of us. His frown was displayed plain as day as his eyes locked with mine. Gregory looked like Draco, his emotions hidden away by a blank face. I couldn't tell if anyone else really cared for me or not. Narcissa stayed in the house. I told her I'd see her when it was over. Maybe one day.

"I don't know why the prophecy was even created." I finally blurted out, taking most by surprise as my voice carried across the small space between us with confidence. "Harry Potter was the one to defeat you, and it didn't work. I have no idea why my name was ever even thrown into the mix. All those times that I have let you take everything away from me, and I have never so much as whispered about crossing you. I could care less. You're stronger. You're better. I didn't want this." I told him flatly. He nodded once before he looked at those who stood around him.

"Well, I'm in quite a predicament here, Miss Emelia." He's taunting me. "Either I listen to you try to plead your case, and take your word for it, and watch as you change your mind and try to kill me eventually." He spoke slowly. "Or, I give those around me the show they have been waiting for all week. Things have been pretty boring on our end. Most people have complied recently and we haven't had to put up any fights. You're the only one whose true loyalty we aren't sure about." He continued to explain to me. "So, what's it going to be?" He challenged me.

The thunder above us was growing louder by the minute. Lightning had flashed through the sky a few times already, illuminating the shadows on his snake like face. It makes me sick.

My fingers started to feel numb as I gripped my wand in my right hand. I started to rub my left pointer finger and thumb together, and I felt the numbness start to rush up my arm. What's happening to me?

I glanced at Draco with slight worry on my face, but he didn't understand— nor did he look like he could provide me with any help. No one could feel what I was feeling, and I had no one to turn to.

"You're the chosen one, Champ. It's you."

My eyes widened and I realized that I am truly fucking losing it. My brain is already shutting itself down to make this process easier. I am going crazy. I'm hearing Harry Potter's fucking voice in my head, my body is going numb, and I have lost my mental state.

"Do it."

"Expelliarmus!" I shouted, shooting a red light at the Dark Lord. It looked just like my dream of Harry. The exact same situation. A clash of red and green sparks happened in front of me, and there wasn't much else I could do to try and stop him.

"Enough!" The Dark Lord yelled, and the magic stopped in front of us just as quickly as it had started. "I gave you a choice, and this is how you repay me? You think you can leave my questions unanswered and try to fight me?" He looked appalled as the question left his lips. "Take her wand." He looked over at Draco with his command. Draco's harsh face turned and met his as if he was following orders.

"Why can't I do it, my Lord?" Bellatrix asked him with an evil hunger in her voice. "I can take it right now if you give me the command," she said lowly as she raised her wand.

"I will." Draco said harshly. His lips turned into an evil smirk, and I truly started to wonder what was going on in that head of his. If he was really fighting for me or not. "I don't want to use magic to do it. I'll do it physically. Maybe give her a second dose of what happened when she tried to touch me a few weeks ago." He chuckled, making everyone else join in. "Guess she'll never learn how to listen to me." He spat.

Even if this is an act, it sure does hurt like it's real.

"I won't kill her, my Lord. I'll leave that fun for you. I might just strangle her a bit to get the message across." He licked his tongue out over his bottom lip and looked at me with eagerness in his eyes. What is happening?

"Maybe that's for the best. For you to get your... toy under control before I handle it." Voldemort agreed, stepping aside so that Draco could approach me. My eyes widened further with every stride he took, and I found myself stepping backwards to get away from him.

"Shhh Princess, relax. I won't bite." Draco teased me in front of everyone as he finally grabbed my hand in his. His grip wasn't harsh like I was expecting. It was light. And the dark rings in his eyes shrunk as he forced me to come closer to his chest. 'It's okay, baby. I love you so much.' His lips mouthed to me as our noses were grazing one another and my wrist was held against his chest, and I let my eyes flutter shut from the smell of his cologne and minty breath fanning my flushed cheeks.

Then it all happened so fast. Faster than I could even comprehend. The last possible thing I ever expected out of this night. Draco turned around and shot a green flare in the opposite direction, and was met with one right back. The death eaters gasped from shock before some of them pulled their wands out to defend the Dark Lord's honor.

"You are a fool. I created you, boy. I'll just find another." He laughed at Draco who stood right in front of me.

Bellatrix disarmed Draco and I watched as the green light from the Dark Lord's wand hit his chest. I watched as his knees buckled and he fell to them. As his torso hit the ground and he rolled onto his back limply. This isn't real. This can't be real.

I was spinning with nausea I had never experienced as I held his cheeks in my palms and tried to understand how grey eyes wouldn't look beautiful. They always had. Grey eyes had become my favorite. Especially the type of grey eyes that resembled the British Small Blue butterfly tattooed across his chest. Not the grey eyes of death.

My ears rang and my lungs collapsed. No one had killed me. But something else had.

10 months prior.

"Emelia, do you swear to live for Mr. Draco Lucius Malfoy and him only?" The first half of the vow my father had me swear to in front of hundreds rang through my ears.

To live for him and him only.

But what if he was no longer living?

My eyes had shut and I fell on top of Draco, welcoming the darkness that I couldn't avoid. The darkness that I had felt weighing on my shoulders all week. One that far too many face every day.


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