Chapter 9

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Kane's P.O.V
Kat fell asleep soon after leaving me to stroke her fur. That damn servant person lady kept coming back and bugging me I was starting to get a headache. Most of my pack was asleep but I was wide awake. I rub my hand along the side of her belly. I remember when I was cleaning her the other day there was a cut. it probably wasn't there anymore cause I didn't feel it this morning. still I rolled her over on her back,her little paws stick straight up in the air. I run over her belly trying to get a reaction. I rub the left side and she squeaks in her sleep. pulling away the fur I see the cut. this thing should be healed by now what the hell is going on. still think I roll her back over and lean back my chair. pushing her up so her small body fit from my neck to half my chest I started to relax. feeling her little wolf pants on my neck I curl her tail through my fingers. listening to her baby heartbeats I fall asleep.
"Passengers please buckle your seat belts were about to land. the flight attend walks over and sits down in the empty seat next to me.
"Should you be sitting in the back"
I was confused I've never seen a flight attendant sit in the middle it's either front or back. she puts her hand on my leg.
"Well yes but I wanted to make sure you and your little mutt were safe for landing. oh and to let you know my next flight will be in two hours after we land."
By now she was rubbing my bicep.
"Excuse me but my girlfriend is waiting for at home and my puppy is like my baby so excuse me but I would appreciate if you would stop throwing yourself at me and get some decency."
I pick her hand off my arm with two fingers and drop it in her lap. she scoffs and stands up as the landing light goes on and she has to sit back down. I hear snickers and remember the twins were behind me. rolling my eyes I wait till we land wanting to go be with my pack.
We get home and all I want to do is sleep. Kat woke a few hours ago and we were both stuck in the car for hours. Picking her up from the car my pack swarms. Her wolf didn't like attention. her fur bristles and she curls up in my arms. awe's were heard and pride filled me. I push my way through the pack and promised they'd meet her soon. they're eyes followed me through until I closed the door to my house. it was separate from the pack but it was next door so it's not far. i walk into the room stripping down to my boxers. I grab my shirt and throw it at her. she take it in her mouth running to the bathroom while tripping and falling over the shirt. she comes out in my shirt and my wolf was surfacing. She touches me sensing I was losing control. I grab her arm pulling her over me. she try's to move but I corner her inbetween the wall and me. I pull her to me and knowing she lost she cuddles into me and we both drift off into sleep................... together

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