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TW: slight cussing, crying, scratching, wound, mention of breaking in, restraining/holding down

Tommy's POV

"Phil's at work, Tehcno is with Dream again, and Wilbur is with Quackity again. Ranboos with his moms, and I have my Ukulele lessons." Tubbo said sadly. It's been two weeks since I've been here, and I'm still undiscovered.

"You're leaving me alone?" I asked. My English was getting better. "I'm sorry! I don't want to!" Tubbo said. "Just stay in my room just in case someone comes home. If someone comes, hide in my closet." "Ok..."

And with that, Tubbo left.

He had showed me how to play a couple games on his computer called Minecraft and The Sims, I personally likes Minecraft more, so I hopped on Minecraft to pass time.

After a couple of hours, I started getting hungry. I huffed and contemplated going downstairs or not. Five minutes won't hurt, right? I can just go down eat quickly, and come back up! It's as simple as that!

It was a decent sized house. I didn't know the layout very well, but the kitchen was rather easy to find. I opened up the fridge as I figured there wasn't anything that I fancied in the cupboards. I found a bowl of leftover chicken that I figured would be good for now.

I hopped, well really flew, up and sat on the island with my back to the rest of the house.

Suddenly, from behind me I heard a monotone voice say; "What the heck?!"

Techno's POV

I got done sparing with Dream earlier that I usually do, so I decided to head home early. As I walked down the windy path through the forest to our house, the closer I hit, the more my voices screamed at me.

Little boy









Little boy

They kept repeating 'intruder' so I sped up my pace in fear that someone had broke into our home while we were gone. I also noticed they said 'little boy' a few times. I slowly opened the front door, and quietly walked through the house. I heard some noises coming from the kitchen.

I held my spear that I was using to spar with Dream tightly in my hand.

When I turned the corner, it was in fact just a little boy dressed up as a dragon. Why was he dressed up as a dragon? Is he cosplaying? Why is he here?

"What the heck?!" I shouted, scaring the boy causing him to fall off of the island where he sat. He landed on his ankle causing him to yelp in pain. I dropped my spear and ran to him. I must say his cosplay was very detailed and realistic. "What are you doing here?" I yelled.

And he...hissed at me? He was wearing fangs too.

He fumbled to get up with his hurt ankle. Now I saw his tail and horns. His horns actually seems to be real though. Was this kid actually a...no, no. That's impossible...right? He wrapped his wings around himself as a protective shield. Holy shit. He's actually a dragon.

"H...Hey, kid. It's ok. Calm down." I said. I slowly walked towards him. I was actually just going for the landline phone on the counter beside of him so I could call Phil.

I grabbed the phone and the boy flinched back. I dialed Phil.

"Hello?" Phil said. "Hey, it's Techno. We have a problem." I said. "What wrong..?" "There someone...something in our house." I said. "What do you mean?! Did someone break in?! I'm on my way!" Phil said. "I guess it broke in?" I said. "What do you mean 'it'?" "I-I don't know! It's not human, but it's not an animal! I don't know if it has a specific gender! I-I mean, it looks like a boy but it has wings and a tail and horns!"

Just as I said this, the what I'm assuming is a boy, scratched my arm and tried to run. It makes a deep cut.

"Ah! Shit! I gotta go Phil!" I said, hanging up. I grabbed the boy and pinned him to the floor on his back. I held his wrists together above his head with one of my hands while I held his torso down with the other. I was basically sitting on his legs.

He was sobbing.

"I-I'm s-sorry!" He cried. I debated letting him go, but decided against it as I didn't know what he would do. "I am too." I said.

Wilbur's POV

I was sitting with Quackity on his couch. I was drawing him a photo of him and I together. Suddenly my phone rang. It was Phil.

"Hey, da-" I got cut off. "Wilbur! You need to get home right now! I don't know what's going on but Tehcno called and said there's someone in our house and I think Techno's hurt!" He yelled. "What?! Y-Yeah I'll head home right now!" I said and hung up.

"Do you want me to drive you?" Quackity asked. "That would be helpful."

We got into his car and drove off. The car could only go to the tree line before it was just a narrow path through the forest to our house. Once we got there, Phil arrived too. "Let's go." He said, and we speed through the windy path.

Quackity decided to go with just in case we need some extra help. And he's very buff. Don't ask how I know that...

Words: 928

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