Tᕼᗴ ᗴ-ᗰᗩIᒪ ᗩᑎᗪ Tᕼᗴ ᖴᗩᑕIᒪITY

473 24 23

TW: cussing, mention of getting sold, shock collar
(Please tell me if I missed any)

Sapnap's POV
(A little switch-a-roonie)
Two days later

Phil had informed George, Dream, and I about what happened, and Wilbur told Quackity. Sam kept blaming himself for what happened. I felt really bad for the guy.

I got an E-mail from a random person; auctions.gvt@gmail.com. I was confused because 'gvt' is usually an abbreviation for 'government'. And auction? Huh? I decided to click on it.

Dear random person,

Hello! Auctioneer speaking! This message was sent to 25 random people across a 300 mile radius. Congratulations, you have been invited to an auction! Location: ******** Day: July 10th, 5:30 pm - 7:00 pm.

- you may NOT bring anyone with you. There are only 25 seats for the 25 people this has been sent to.
- you may NOT record/photograph the auction. If you are caught with a camera or any device that can record/photograph, you will be escorted out of the facility IMMEDIATELY.

Nobody of your concern.

That was in just over an hour. I gut was telling me to go. So I did.

"Hey, guys. I have somewhere to be. I'll be back around 8." I said. "Oh, where you going, mate?" Phil asked. "Just uhm...somewhere." "We'll see you later, Sap." Dream said. I walked out of the house, and through the narrow path in the forest to my car at the clearing in the other side.

How am I gonna have the money to buy stuff at an auction? Well you see, I'm not exactly the most legal person out there. I've done some crime in my days. But nobody knows that.

Time skip

I made it to the location just minutes before it started. A woman greeted me at the door. Her name tag said 'Hannah.'

"Good evening. Can I see proof that you can be here?" She said. "Yes, here." I held up the email on my phone. "You're aware that you can't have your phone in there correct? It can record." "Oh, I don't have any storage space left on my phone. See?" I went to my setting and showed her my full storage and then went to my camera and showed that it wouldn't let me even try to take a photo or video.

"Alright, you may enter." She said. "Thank you, miss." I said.

I went in, and took a seat in the front row.

Karl's POV

Tommy hadn't spoke since the incident. The last thing he said was when he apologized before falling asleep in my arms. I didn't have the energy nor strength to heal him, and he didn't have the energy or strength to heal himself, so he was just constantly in pain. It was hard to see him like this.

It's just been a couple of weeks since we met and I already know I would kill or die for this boy.


The door unlocked and opened.

"It's been 48 hours, boys! It's your 'big day'!" The man said. "Now I'm assuming I don't have to worry about either of you running after what happened the other day?" He asked. "Yes sir." I replied. "Good. Now follow me and shut up."

Tommy was always hugging or laying on me the past two days, so I picked him up and followed the man. He put his arms around my neck and his legs around my waist.

I must say, despite him only weighing like, 60 pounds, it was difficult to carry him since I was weak. But I did for him. The man led us to a caged in wooden platform on wheels. He ordered me to step inside, and I did.

"This is for precaution." He said, as he put a shock collar around my neck. He went to put one on Tommy, and I moved Tommy away from him. "You put one of those on him, I will rip your fucking face apart." I growled.

He didn't put one on Tommy.

This specific guard was always kind of nervous around everyone. His name was Officer Callahan. I don't really think he likes his job. He seems as if he doesn't like all the torture and stuff. Good on him.

I heard a man talking very fast from the other side of the curtain. Then it dawned on me what was happening.

"A-Are you guys selling us?! Is this an auction?" I asked. "Uh, hah, yeah." Officer Callahan said. "I honestly don't know if this is good or not. There's probably some real bitchy people out there, isn't there?" I scoffed. "Yeah. Boss only contacted criminals and mafia bosses to come so there would be a lesser chance of someone going to the police." He sighed.

Our conversation ended and Officer Callahan went over and locked us in the cage. He put a sign on the front of the cage before he left saying 'must buy both.' I gave him a smile.

Soon after, we were being rolled out on stage.

Words: 855

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