ᗩ ᑎOT-ᏕO-Oᒪᗪ ᖴᖇIᗴᑎᗪ

773 29 69

TW: cussing, torture mentions (choking & punching), mention if being captured, scars

Tommy's POV

"That must be your uncle! This is gonna be difficult to explain." Phil said.


Phil got up to go answer the door. I wasn't paying much attention, so I didn't hear him coming.

"Phil!" The man said. His voice sounded so familiar, but I couldn't quite put my finger on it. "Hey! Long time no see, yeah?" Phil replied. "So uhm, we've got a little something here...just- don't freak out." He added. He walked into the room and I noticed who he was.

"Hi Uncle Sam!" Tubbo said.

It was the Sam. The man who saved my life.

I stood when I saw him. "You good?" Tubbo asked. Sam and I made eye contact, and our eyes were almost glued together for we could not look away. I was shocked to say the least. And I bet he was too.

"Hey...you're that kid!" He said. "You're that guy!" I replied. "The fuck is going on?" Phil asked. "Hah! No way! This is impossible! This is that guy I was telling you all about! T-The guy who saved me!" I said. "What?!" Phil responded. "How I'm the world did you end up here?! This is so far away from the facility!" Sam questioned. "Especially to be traveling on foot!" He added.

I didn't answer. I just ran over and hugged him, wrapping my wings around us.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you!" I said. He patted my head. "No problem, little man."

Time skip

"Wait, Uncle Sam, what happened to you?" Tubbo asked, pointing out a scar that ran all the way around Sam's neck, and one across his nose. "Oh wait shit, yeah! What the hell happened, dude?" Phil added. "O-Oh! Yeah...about that..." Sam looked over at me.

"Oh my god it's my fault, isn't it?" I covered my mouth. "No, well...kinda...it's really my own fault but I guess you have something to do with it." Sam said. "They saw me helping you on the cams." He added.

"What...what all did they do..?" I asked.

"They uh, choked me with a cord. That's what my neck's all about. And then they punched me a bunch in the nose and uh, yeah. But I've always been a good escape artist so I managed to get out of there." He sighed. "What the fuck?!" I shouted, my blue eyes turning slightly red. Fuck was another word Tubbo taught me.

Wilbur's POV

"Hey, calm down, mate." Phil placed a hand on Tommy's shoulder. "Calm down?! That's fucking horrid what they did to him!" He yelled. "Tommy." I said. He continued to rant. "Tommy!" I repeated. He continued. "Tommy, calm!" I grabbed his shoulders.
(Any old old old lore knowers?)

"It's fine. We're all safe. He is safe." I reassured him. "I'm...I'm sorry." He wrapped my wings around himself. "Don't apologize. You're a good kid, Tommy." I said.

"Damn, Wilbur. That was hot!" Quackity said. His mouth seemed to move faster than his brain sometimes. "Quackity! What the hell?!" I yelled while laughing slightly. "I said that out loud, didn't I?" He asked. "Uh, yeah. Ya did." I scoffed. "Haha...surprise, Mister Watson! We gay!" Quackity said.

"I kinda figured Wil was gay because of everything he draws but I didn't ever think you two would date! Congrats!" Phil said.

Tommy's POV
Time skip

"So...Sam...I was gonna ask this earlier when Tommy first said anything about you, but I decided against it. But now I'm gonna ask because of the scars..." Phil said. "Ok..?" Sam replied. "Where...where do you work? I-I mean, you told me you worked construction, but why would some 'guys in uniform', as Tommy said, bring a dragon boy there? And especially torture someone. That doesn't sound like a construction job to me." Phil said.

Sam exhaled loudly.

"I uh, work...well, worked, at this secret military government facility out in the middle of nowhere." Sam nervously laughed. "They don't take 'traitors' very well. And they considered me a traitor to my 'fellow brethren' they called them." He scoffed, rubbing the back of his neck. "O-Oh..." Phil said.

"Ah, shit. I just realized they're gonna start looking for me! I shouldn't have came here, I put you all in danger!" Sam gasped, grabbing fistfuls of his hair.

"I swear these bitches are gonna fucking pay if they even think about touching my friends." I growled. "Who taught you to swear so much?!" Ranboo asked. "You could barely even speak English when I first found you!" He added. "Oh, Tubbo taught me! Ain't that right, big Tubs?" I elbowed his shoulder.

Ranboo glared at Tubbo.

"You've ruined him! He was so innocent!" He said. "Oh...is that bad?" I asked. "Uhh, not necessarily...but still!" Ranboo said. "Sorry?" Tubbo laughed.

"I-I do think I should go, though. I don't wanna put you guys in danger." Sam repeated. "But- that puts you in more danger!" I said. "Anything to keep my family safe." He smiled. "I-I can protect you! All of you! I'm plenty capable! I do have deadly powers as well as good ones!" "Tommy, you're just a kid..." Phil said.

"My mind is well beyond my years." I blankly stated, making eye contact with Phil. There was a long silence. "I...fine. I'll stay. If that's alright with you, Phil." Sam said. "Y-Yeah! Fine by me..." He replied. I smiled in victory.

I ended up getting to know Tehcno, Wilbur, Phil, Quackity, Dream, George, Sap, and Sam better. This was nice.

But nice things don't last, do they?

Words: 949

How To Train Your Tommy | Tommyinnit Angst Dragon AUWhere stories live. Discover now