♡ 1 Year Anniversary: Murder Mystery Pt. 2 ♡

161 7 9

Genre: Fluff
Side Ships: Saiouma, Soniaki
Word Count (excluding the POV changes, author's notes, and time skips):  1,016
Happy Birthday to this book!

- It's been a year since I released the first chapter of this book! Thank you for all the support,,, I had no idea this would grow to have so many reads! But there's still a lot more Komahina where that came from, so I can't wait to keep writing for you all!

- As a 1 Year Anniversary Special, I've decided to release a second part to one of my more popular chapters: Murder Mystery, which currently has the second largest amount of comments in the entire book! (First goes to Dragon Maid, but it already has a second part,,,)

- Enjoy the chapter, and cheers to a year of Komahina//Hinakoma!!


Nagito's POV:

I log onto Discord as I lay in bed with Hajime. It's late at night, but neither of us can sleep. I let the brunette wrap his arms around me and bring me closer, burying his face into my neck.

"Is anyone online?" He asks after noticing my screen. I check our group chat and observe.

"Yes, actually... everyone but Shuichi is on," I say. Hajime sits up, making me frown as his warmth fades away.

He grabs his phone and turns to me. "Since almost everyone's online, we should play a game!" And with that, he logs onto Discord and begins typing.

cockitchy, saishu, queen of souls, luvnana.me, haji_oj, koma_bg

Hajime: You're all still up?

Kokichi: yep!! shumai's here with me,, i'll bully him into going online 😈😈

Sonia: Hello all!! What a lovely morning we're having 😊😊

Chiaki: it's 2am love

Shuichi: why's everyone up so late??

Chiaki: we could say the same to you 🤨

Shuichi: kichi woke me up,,, 😒

Chiaki: valid valid

Nagito: are you guys busy??

Sonia: Chiaki and I are not!!

Kokichi: same with me and shumai <33

Hajime: Well then why don't we all play a game till we get tired??

Sonia: Wonderful idea! We haven't played Roblox in quite some time!


Shuichi: someone else might wanna pick this time,,

Kokichi: well i called dibs first 😇😇 LET'S PLAY MURDER MYSTERY AGAIN!!

Chiaki: sounds good to me... anyone else?

Nagito: me!!

Komahina//Hinakoma: Headcanons and oneshots!!Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant