♡ Valentine's Special: Cupid (Part 2) ♡

76 3 28

AU: Non-despair, Modern Fantasy
Genre: Fluff
Side Ships: Saiouma
Word Count (excluding the POV changes, author's notes, and time skips): 1,154

• Part 2 of 3!
• "Cupid and the Coffee Boy"


The human boy perfectly matched Shuichi's description. Soft, unruly white hair; pale green eyes; a bright, yet knowing smile. He looked... interesting. Hajime wanted to get to know him more.

"C'mon! He was dreaming that you fell in love with him!" Chiaki groaned. "You should go talk to him!"

"WHAT?!" Hajime shouted in surprise. "I can't do that! What if he thinks I'm weird for approaching him... or what if everything works out but he gets scared of me once he finds out I'm Cupid?!"

"They're called what-ifs for a reason," Chiaki muttered. "I'm going back to the palace. I'm not letting you in until you talk to him."


"I'm not hearing you out. This is your chance, Hajime! I'm rooting for you~!"

And with that, Chiaki waved before vanishing around the corner, leaving Hajime to worry all on his own.


The brunette stood outside of a busy café where the human seemed to work. He peered through the window, watching as his target chatted cheerfully with a pink-haired customer.

"Alright," Hajime whispered to himself. "I should go in as a customer! Then I'll get a chance to talk to him..."

Hajime entered the bustling café nervously. Nobody really noticed him— nobody except a group of girls who began gossiping upon his arrival. They fixed the nonexistent flaws in their hair and smiled at him, but he didn't notice. He was too busy planning his upcoming interaction with-

"Welcome! My name is Nagito. How can I help you today?"

Hajime almost jumped in surprise. He made his way to the front of the line before he realized it!

"Oh!" Hajime gasped, lifting his eyes to meet Nagito's. "Ah... this is my first time here. What do you recommend?"

The barista paused, fiddling with his hands. "Well, we have a new brownie batter hot chocolate drink! It's really good for cold days like this one. But if you prefer cold drinks, I like our mint tea. It's the most refreshing drink I've ever had!"

"I'll take the mint tea then," Hajime said. He didn't usually get cold drinks at cafés, but he wanted to see Nagito happy. As soon as he saw the wide smile on the barista's face, he knew it was worth it. "And a bagel please."

"$4.50 please," Nagito called over his shoulder as he began to make the order. Hajime instantly reached towards his jeans pockets, but was hit with a shocking realization: he never brought money.

What was he going to do? He couldn't waste Nagito's time by canceling the order he already started! Where was he going to get the cash so quickly??

Hajime chuckled nervously as he searched his pockets frantically. Luckily, Hajime felt something in one of his coat pockets. He pulled out a $10 bill, which was accompanied by a short note from Chiaki.

~ You'll need this if you want to order, it read. Good luck, Cupid! Love, Chiaki.

Hajime silently thanked Chiaki as he slid the money over the counter. Nagito grinned as he took it and guided Hajime to a nearby table.

Komahina//Hinakoma: Headcanons and oneshots!!Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora