♡ Valentine's Special: Cupid (Part 3) ♡

67 3 15

AU: Non-despair, Modern Fantasy
Genre: Fluff
Side Ships: Saiouma
Word Count (excluding the POV changes, author's notes, and time skips): 829

• Part 3 of 3!
• "Cupid and the Confession"


At last, Valentine's Day had arrived. Many were out with their dates, showering one another with gifts, affection, and kind words. It was the loveliest day of the year.

Hajime sat in a café booth excitedly humming and watching for any sign of Nagito. The two had agreed to start their date at the café because it was where the two had first met each other. It was one of Nagito's off days, so he could enjoy the café without having to worry about work.Soon enough, the white-haired male entered the building holding a bouquet of breathtaking orange roses. Hajime waved him over to the booth, smiling as he sat down.

"H-Hi!" Nagito chirped. "I brought you these flowers! I remembered that you like orange, so..."

"They're beautiful," Hajime said, blushing. "Thank you, Nagito. I have something for you, too!" Hajime reached under the table and pulled up a bright, smiley teddy bear. It had white fur and big eyes. It held a red plush heart in its hands, which perfectly matched the red ribbon tied around its neck.

Nagito gasped upon seeing it. "It's adorable!"

"It reminded me of you," Hajime handed the bear to his date, who happily accepted it. Nagito, who was overwhelmed with gratitude and embarrassment, simply flushed and turned away, hugging the plush tightly to his chest.

The date continued smoothly. The two shared a snack at the café and went to watch a movie at the cinema. Once the movie ended, they traveled to the botanical garden and admired the beautiful organic displays towering above them. Finally, Hajime and Nagito arrived at a port. They had booked a romantic boat ride down a calm, gentle canal. The sun had begun to set, and stars began to dot the slowly darkening sky.

"Isn't the sunset beautiful?" Nagito sighed, looking at the sky in awe.

"It is," Hajime agreed. "Just like you."

Nagito blushed, hiding his face in his palms. "Why did that work so well?!"

Hajime burst into laughter. "You're adorable!" he said between laughs. Nagito began to giggle along, relaxing and enjoying his time with Hajime.

Minutes passed and night crept up on the friends. Silence hung in the air, but it was light and welcome. The two sat together peacefully... until Hajime interrupted.

"I have a confession to make," he admitted with a sudden change in tone. Nagito, being sensitive to even the smallest changes in his friends, swallowed his fears as he began to assume the worst.

"Y-Yes?" he stuttered.

"Have you heard of the Sandman?" Hajime begun. Nagito nodded, and the brunette continued. "His real name is Shuichi. We're friends."

Nagito blinked. "I'm... sorry?"

"He told me you dreamt of me."

"...You knew about that this whole time?"

"I did," Hajime said. "It made me curious about you. I came down to Earth looking for answers, but I ended up falling in love with you instead."

Nagito was a mess. He was as red as a tomato and couldn't even think about looking Hajime in the eyes. "W-Wait... so does that mean...?"

Hajime nodded. "You saw me in your dream as Cupid, right?"


"Well," the green-eyed male paused. "You're talking to him. You made Cupid himself fall in love with you."

Nagito clasped his hands over his mouth, muffling a squeak of surprise. "Are you kidding me? This isn't funny!"

Hajime stood in the small boat and summoned his diamond-encrusted bow, which was accompanied by a daintily crafted arrow with a tip in the shape of a heart. Nagito almost fainted. "Do you need more proof, Nagito?"

"S-So all of those stories... are real?" the white-haired barista stammered. "Cupid... the Sandman... even Santa?!"

"Especially Santa," Hajime said with a smile. "His name is Fuyuhiko. He never comes to visit."

Nagito paused for a moment to process his situation. "S-So... what does this mean for us? I think... I'm in love with you. I want to be yours, but I'm sure you're too busy for me-"

"Valentine's Day only happens once a year," Hajime reassured him. "It doesn't take long to prepare for. Even if it did, I'd always make time for you."

"B-But can we even be together? I dreamt of you... in another world. If you go back, will I ever see you again?"

"You must mean my domain. It's the land of Love and Emotion, and any deity can go in and out as they please."

"But I'm not... a deity..."

Hajime stopped to think. "Well, if you could dream of me so accurately, I'm sure you have some sort of powers! And if not, there's a way to turn humans into supernaturals. It's a big decision, though, and I'd never force you to choose-"

"I'll consider it," Nagito said, putting his hand on Hajime's. "It beats whatever's going on here on Earth!"

Hajime let out a laugh. "Then... will you be my-"

Nagito jumped into Hajime's arms before he could even finish his sentence. "YES!!"


This was rushed asl, but it's cute so I'm keeping it <3

I actually really like this idea and I'm considering making more chapters about it. Would anyone be interested in it?

Anyways, happy Valentine's Day to those who celebrate it! Treat yourself to something nice today, and remember that you are worthy of love every day of the year.

Love, Mugi :)

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