🤍 A/N: The End 🤍

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Happy Pride Month, everyone! We've made it to the end of this book. Isn't that amazing?!

When I started this book of oneshots in August 2021, I had no idea that it would signify the start of an incredible Wattpad journey. I first thought of this idea after reading several oneshot books from other users. I noticed that a lot of them were really short or discontinued, and it was a shame since they were all extremely creative and fun to read! The books were mostly plotless and not a huge commitment to read since chapters were often 1,000 words or less. This inspired me to make my own book that had plenty of chapters, a wide variety of headcannons and oneshots, and was updated often to keep people like myself engaged! Because of this book, I've made so many friends, learned more about the Danganronpa fandom, and grew as a writer. I'm so grateful for everyone who supported this book and encouraged me to keep going. I would have never made it this far without you!

Komahina has always been a favorite ship of mine. I could talk and write about them for hours! Because of that, I'll probably continue to update this books with more Komahina ideas I have, but not on a set schedule as I usually do. I'll be spending more time with my other books from now on, so please check them out if you're interested! I'll definitely be creating more Komahina works in the future, but since most of my current books are Saiouma-related, it might be a while until I switch my main focus back to Komahina.

TL;DR - Thank you for supporting this book! It will remain published and will be occasionally updated.

Once again, thank you all so much for your love and support. Because of you, I can conclude these stories with a smile and look back at it with pride. I'm more than happy to have provided Komahina content for all audiences to enjoy. I love you!! <3

- Mugane (Mugi)

(The next chapters will include a special thanks and books written by bestie Aerin and I! If you're interested, please continue to the next part! If not, I'll see you around!)

Komahina//Hinakoma: Headcanons and oneshots!!Where stories live. Discover now