Chapter 18: Honeymoon Pt. 1

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Cole's POV

I walked closer to Bella, and hugged her tight to my chest.

"I missed you. " I mumbled into her hair.

"I missed you too." I felt her smile.

I pulled her head upwards, and kissed her lips softly. I felt like I was in heaven.

I pulled her to the couch and made her sit next to me.

"Now tell me, how did you get here? " I asked, playing with a strand of her hair.

"You know I was sleeping and woke up at 4 due to a knock on the door. It was Katherine, Lily and Evan. And then-" She rambled on and on, with a wide smile on her face. Her hands were moving all around, as she explained.

I leaned my head on the couch and stared at her, not even listening anymore.

She stopped in the middle, and raised her brow.

"What?! "

"Nothing. " I smiled.

"No, tell me. " She pestered. Her lips tutted forward, in a pout.

"You just look beautiful. " Her cheeks flushed, and she looked down.

"Don't look away. I wanna see your eyes. " I said, raising her chin upwards, and leaning closer.

Our lips were grazing each other, and I wanted nothing more than to freeze the time here.

Bella pushed herself forward, and kissed me with passion.

My hands snaked across her waist and I pulled her closer, almost making her sit on my lap.

Someone knocked the door, in a series.

I sighed against Bella's lips, tired of people interrupting us.

I stood up and walked towards the door, while Bella straightened her t-shirt.

I opened the door and looked to find Lily grinning cutely.

"Lily. " I said surprised to find her alone.

"Hello, Uncle Cole." She said, attaching herself to my legs.

"Where is daddy? " I asked, lifting her up, and walking inside.

"He is sleeping on mommy's lap." She said, holding her tiny hands near my neck.

I hummed. Evan always acted like a kid, even in front of his kid.

"Aunt Izzy." Lily screamed, and wiggled from my hands, and ran towards Bella who was tying her hair up in a ponytail.

"Lily. " Bella said with same enthusiasm and hugged her, then made her sit on her lap. I looked at the two princesses in front of me, with a small smile.

My phone rang, disrupting me from my thoughts.


"Good Afternoon Sir. Your meeting is in fifteen minutes. "

"I'll be right over. "

With that, I hung up, and looked at Bella.

"I have to leave now for the meeting. I'll see you guys later, alright? " She nodded, and I kissed her forehead.

After that, I kissed Lily on the cheeks, while she sent me flying kisses, giggling loudly.

I winked, and walked out, after I was dressed in a black suit, with white shirt and black tie. I met Evan in the elevator.

"So, no thank you? " He asked, pretending to look at his watch.

I raised my brow, confused.

"For bringing your wife here when your idiotic ass left her alone."

I sighed.

"Cole, you are a married man now. You can't just leave the house whenever you wish. Inform her beforehand, always. You can't just drop the bomb on her like that and leave for god knows how long!" He said, with all seriousness. "Woman are sensitive to these kind of things. Thats why I always inform Kat of wherever I have to go. "

I nodded, feeling even more guiltier.

The doors opened and we stepped out together, heading to the car parked right in front of the doors.


I opened the door to my suite with the keycard, and stepped in, immediately greeted by the wonderful view of my wife cooking.

I placed the briefcase on the couch, and walked towards her, hugging from behind.

"Welcome back." She smiled, seeing me.

I hummed and tightened my grip on Bella. She turned the stove off, and I turned her around, slowly pulling her with me, away from the stove.

I pushed her to the side, and on to the wall, trapping her between me and the wall.

I leaned down, inhaling deeply, while she stared at me with curious eyes.

I placed my lips on hers, before she could even blink, and kissed her furiously.

She returned it, with equal passion, and jumped up, wrapping her legs around my torso.

I leaned against the wall, not breaking the kiss, with Bella still clinging to me.

Her legs tightened with each thrust of my tongue inside her mouth.

I broke away from her after a few minutes, breathing heavily.

Her eyes were still looking at me with those curious kitten eyes, that first made me kiss her.

"Let's have dinner now, wifey. Or it will turn cold. "

Saying that, I placed Bella on the chair of the dining table, and sat myself next to her.

"Get ready early tomorrow. We are going on a trip. " I said halfway into dinner.

"But what about your meeting? "

"There was only one. The rest of days were to look after the construction of the new hotel, but Evan said that he'll take care of it. " I explained.

She nodded in realization.

"Where are we going by the way? " She asked, leaning her chin on her hand.

"On our honeymoon, wifey. " I said with a wink, kissing the tip of her nose.



Hi guys! How are you all doing?

Hope you liked this chapter! 🙃

Thank You for reading

Until the next update.


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