Chapter 23: New friend - Laura Baker

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Bella's POV

I sat outside his office with Harmony, while Travis walked in first.

"Hi. " I started, looking at her.

"Hi. " She turned to me.

"So where are you from? " I asked.

"Florida. You? "

"I am from here itself." She nodded, and turned forward.

Damn. This is so awkward.

I stood up and walked towards the restroom, after asking directions from Ellie.

I reapplied my red lipstick and walked outside after five minutes to find the place empty except Ellie.

"So, sister. How do you like it here? " She started with a wink.

"I didn't even start my job. But I feel good. It's refreshing. " I said placing my bag on her desk.

"You know that this floor is limited to Cole and me right?" She asked suddenly after a silence. I nodded. "But you are always free to come here. And I'm sure you will be here more than your office. "

"Shut up. " I said, with a small blush.

She recieved a call on her phone and nodded a few times while speaking.

"Alright. He will meet you now. Good luck. " She said with a smirk. "And don't practice making babies in there."

I groaned and walked away while Harmony came out with a frown on her face. I wonder what he said to her!

I knocked the door once, and stepped in.

The office was empty.

Where did he go!

The thought just came to my mind, when a hand snuck across my waist, and was held close to Cole's chest. He leaned down and started kissing my neck and behind my ears.

"Cole. Stop it. Let me go. " I moaned, trying get out of his tight grip.

"Never, Mrs. Creed. " He whispered, and turned me around. "You did well in the interview. Congrats. " He smiled.

I nodded with a grin.

"Now, you will start working today. As it's already 12, just get to know your teammates, and then have your lunch. After you are done for the day, wait for me. I'll send you a message when I'm near the gates. "

I nodded again, and pecked his lips softly.

"I'll leave now. " And with that, I left his office, despite him whining at me to come back. I giggled, and shut the door behind me.

I walked to the elevator and pressed the lower button.

I reached the floor and found Harmony and Travis sitting in front of their laptops, working already. They were concentrating so hard, that they didn't even bother to reply to my greeting.

Great! My new office mates don't even like me. And it hasn't even been an hour.

I sighed, and turned around to my cubicle. It was opposite to Harmony and Travis. It was a simple white table with a laptop placed in the middle.

I sat down placing my bag, next to the
laptop. The girl sitting in the next cubicle, turned and waved at me with a small smile.

"Hey, we meet again. "

"Laura! " I said happily. Atleast she is a person that is friendly.

"So you got the job after all. Congrats."

"Thank you. " I smiled.

"So I heard you guys had to meet the boss. How did it go? Aren't you guys just lucky to meet him? I mean seriously, he's handsome. " She kept telling us how lucky we are, when Sampson came forward and stood behind her.

"Umm..." I tried but she didn't listen to me. Finally I shook her shoulders and motioned at him.

"Miss Baker, it would do you good if you just do your job and not chat with the new employees. And Miss Davis, you can start on your work if you are done gossiping. "

Both of us blushed, embarresed, and turned to the screen in front.


Laura and I walked down to the cafeteria that was in the fifth floor, chatting about random stuff.

We bought our lunch and sat down in a corner in the huge hall.

"You know. I just met this handsome doctor when I had been to the hospital for my grandma. And I had clearly embarrassed myself in front of him. " Laura started. She took a bite from her burger and started speaking again. "She had just been in an accident and had to have a stitch near her knees. So when we reached the hospital, all the doctors were busy and there was no one to attend her. "

"And then? What happened? " I asked curiously.

"And we waited for half an hour, grandma was still bleeding and I just got tired of waiting there, and barged into a random doctors office. And you know I just lost my breath, when I laid my eyes upon a doc sitting behind his desk. " She had a dreamy look in her eyes when she narrated the doctor's appearance to me.

"He had brown eyes like yours. And silky smooth dark brown colored hair. He had a white coat and a stethoscope around his neck and damn, he looked hot! He was looking like a chocolate that I could just gobble up. He looked up at my sudden entrance and raised a brow in question when he looked at my tear filled eyes and messy face. "

Laura took a breath and started talking again.

"I begged him to treat my grandma and after a second he agreed. He walked out of the office and asked a nurse to take her to the ER. He came out after a while and told me that he had stitched her knees and to come by after a week to remove the stitches. "

I looked at her confused.

"Where did you embarrass yourself in all of this? You just asked a doctor to stitch a wound. "

"That's where I went wrong, girl. He wasn't any doctor but he was a famous surgeon in the hospital and I had barged into his office, and even made him stitch a wound."

"What's the big deal in that? " I asked still confused.

"Bella, the point is that he is a surgeon who treats huge surgeries and is always busy. Firstly, I disturbed him when he was on his ten minute break. Secondly, isn't it a small job to just stitch a wound? Normally it's a nurses job, and I made a high class doctor do it. "

I nodded, now understanding what my friend was saying.

"So what was the doctor's name again, that stole your heart in the first glance? " I asked, changing the topic back and making Laura blush. I sipped my juice, waiting for her to tell the name.

"Finn. Finn Davis. "

I choked on my juice and spluttered it all over the floor.



I am back!!!

I just wrote a chapter for earth goddess and it seems very shitty to me. I don't think I can write better for that book. So if anyone here who is reading that book, forgive me for writing it and ending it in a bad way.

Anyways I just wanted to write that out.

This book will still have updates coming up and I am trying to write my best this time.

Until the next one.

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