▹ System 2͎9͎༓

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Long chap -_-
Didn't want the backstory to be 3 chapters long.

Anyway, hope you enjoy learning about our Beomgyu.

───────・༓ ❦ ༓・───────

The first sign that hinted at the horrible future title of this night was the sound of a window seemingly getting broken by an object, and this was followed by the sound of foreign footsteps in the corridors.

Suddenly Beomgyu heard a hellish scream coming from a room nearby and it woke him up on the spot, his heart racing as he clutched his chest.

Distress and fear were the evident characteristics of those screams, then suddenly it felt like those transformed into shouts of atrocious pain rather than anything else.

Beomgyu knew that female voice very well.

With no further hesitation, he jumped out of bed. Only to freeze in place a second later, someone else is in the house and they're definitely doing something to his mother, Beomgyu is worried sick yet he can't bring himself to move an inch, being the frail little 12 year old he is.

His mother's screams had ceased, leaving the child in a state of anxious confusion but it was quickly revealed that the silence was only temporary.

Since he just heard a big explosion.

And that's it, Beomgyu mindlessly rushed out of his room, running straight to his parents' bedroom where all the noise has been coming from. His dear mother is there, she's a bit sick and he felt bad for telling her to go away. He loves her so much but he just wanted to seem grown and not be so very close to her. But forget that, he wants to sleep in her bed again.

The fact that his dad isn't home was even more troubling.

He could feel tears of worry welling in his eyes, especially after witnessing the smoke coming from there..
'Please please, I'm begging, please be fine mum..!!'

He barged into the room. "MUM!?"

The first thing his shaky eyes caught, was a masked man rummaging through his father's exploded safe, storing the endless wads of cash in his bag.

But as the child glanced to the right, he saw an image that was about to haunt him for the rest of his life, the tears in his eyes didn't allow him to see properly but as he blinked, the traumatic image hit him like a truck.

His loving mother was lying on her blood-soaked bed, eyes open just like her chest was. The holes in it were the results of merciless stabs inflicted on her body minutes ago.

"MUM!!" Beomgyu cried as he darted to her body, forgetting all about the obvious criminal in the room.
He went to her side. "Mum no!! MUM!! MUM!!" He screamed, shaking her nonstop, he doesn't know what he's trying to achieve by doing this, it's not like she's going to wake up. What's for sure is that he's getting a lot of her blood on him.

"Mum please no, no don't do this to me, don't do this PLEASE MUMMY!" He yelled, tears flowing down his little cheeks, despairingly asking for his mother to come back to him.

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