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"Remind me again why I have to free this annoying ghost?"

"Because Dumbledore is bribing me with unlimited access to the Restricted section and to have the curfew lifted until you leave," said Harry flatly. Hermione was almost rabid about that last part.

"You do realize that in order to free her I would have to destroy every toilet and urinal in the castle at least, right?"

"Already have that covered. See this?" he asked, holding up an odd ball with a fuse.


"It a chain-reaction cherry bomb. I set off the primary and all the others will detonate at the same time. And considering the age of this school, it's likely all the pipes will burst,"said Harry.


"Chaos and you'll get to see an explosion," said Harry grinning.

Richard opened up the seat and asked "Do you want to 'fwoosh' or should I?"

"By all means," said Harry, holding out the small bomb. Richard chuckled darkly.

"For Pony!" he declared before setting the bomb's fuse on light and dropping it. The two immediately vacated the area and went straight back to the DADA classroom where Harry went to work grading while Richard read something. Less than a minute after they swapped places with their 'past' selves (thus establishing an airtight alibi) there was a massive chain reaction, destroying every toilet in the castle Myrtle could reach. However the bombs had another effect Harry was well aware of. The concussive force caused almost every single pipe in the castle to burst, thus wrecking merry hell with the plumbing.

Filch was going to be pissed. On the plus side, he wasn't thinking about his poor cat again.

The twins were both amused and slightly annoyed. Harry kept outdoing them when it came to pranks, though his were far more wide-scale than theirs ever had been.

First had been bringing Richard to Hogwarts. That had been inspired, and pretty hard to top. Now there was this prank where he forced everyone to learn the 'aquamenti' charm and how to adjust the temperature until the pipes could be fixed and the toilets repaired.

On the plus side, Moaning Myrtle was finally out of the toilets where she had been stuffed by Richard.

How were they supposed to top that?

"So you're actually going back home for Christmas this year?" asked Hermione.

Harry looked in the direction of the nearest bathroom. Hermione gave off a small "Ah" in understanding. Quite a few of the people in the school were leaving in hopes the plumbing would be fixed when they got back.

"So what are you planning this Christmas Harry?" asked Ron.

"I'm going to do a whole bunch of boring paperwork that will benefit me in the long run and hopefully have some fun in the meantime," said Harry.

What he wasn't adding was that he was getting a passport and that Richard was providing transportation so they could have a bit of fun.

Which in his definition meant a lot of killing for no other reason than they could, along with several horrific acts of maiming using wandless magic.

And they were going to see what the Chinese government might pay them to deal with their overpopulation problem.

China had the most densely populated cities, and there were actual laws about how many children per family. Having something like Richard, who rather enjoyed eating small infants (as did most of his undead army) might actually prove to be a good thing.

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