Ch 16

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It was hot, it was arid, and it was dry except for a small oasis. Thank you water charms.

"Remind me again why we're here?"

"To claim one of the known diamond mines, possibly ousting some lower ranked Guild member in an evil plot, and to get a Nundu for a pet. You'll get to blow people up," said Harry flatly, well used to Richard's habits.

"I still don't get why you would want a nundu."

"Because I've seen Sooba and I'm a huge fan of how it kills things. Besides, I like large cats that can kill just by breathing on you," said Harry distracted.

Finally Harry found the perfect place to start. It bordered an unclaimed territory (primarily because the inhabitants were right in a major disease hotspot, which meant no one wanted to go near it) and the owner of the one next to it was low-ranked enough that he could file an evil plot and not get told off for because the guy was so weak. The only reason he had kept it to this point was because his area bordered the hotspot.

Which meant he could claim two territories for the price of one. His Overlord aura was strong enough to keep any mundane diseases from infecting him. It came from having control over the Greens, even if he hadn't found the hive just yet.

You couldn't control a green minion without being immune to any disease that wasn't geared towards an Overlord, and those were damn near impossible to come by and were never fatal.

The two flew over to the area, where Harry went to see exactly how bad the hot spot was.

Instead he overheard about how some of the younger people often made the mistake of drinking from the 'evil oasis' and how there were stories of green imps that could kill a man with a touch, but were almost impossible to see when they didn't want to.

That sounded a hell of a lot like the green minions, which was odd because last he checked they preferred swamps.

Harry waited until dark before he found Richard.

"Change of plans, I may have a lead on the Green minion hive. If I'm right, I'll have this village's eternal loyalty and a pair diamond mines to boot."

"How so?"

"The villagers said something about green imps near an oasis that cause death if they touch you. There's also rumors that if you drink the water, you're as good as dead in a day. I bet you anything the hive was placed there on purpose back when this place was still green...that oasis might have been a swamp, but as land dried up the minions lost the ability to move it. And considering the factor of underwater streams, it's likely the greens are responsible for some of the infectious diseases found in Africa. The water diluting their natural poisons or decaying corpses," explained Harry, eyes gleaming.

"Very well thought out and reasoned. Let's see if your theory is correct. And if it is, we can just poison the idiot who lives two villages over before we set fire to his base."

"Ah, the fun of rampant death and destruction to someone no one particularly cares about."

Harry's guess was spot on. Who knew AIDS was caused by the decaying corpses of green minions getting into the water table underground?

With an active Overlord, Harry was able to remove the green minions safely...and he called the African Ministry to inform them that the 'source' of many deadly diseases had been removed, and the area would need to be cleaned out in order to keep new ones from spreading. They would also have to purify the water source to hopefully cut off the source of some of the more viral diseases.

Harry walked away several thousand galleons richer for 'removing' the imps and had the title to the diamond mine in his vault. With the agreement to heal the tribesmen (which mostly involved turning them into undead under Richard's command to mine the diamonds without having to worry too much about them being killed by accidents) Harry even got their loyalty. Anyone stupid enough to attack the village in hopes of stealing the diamonds was in for a nasty surprise.

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