Ch 11

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It was a strange sort of pride as Richard happily instructed the children on how to make things go 'fwoosh' and then seeing the light in their eyes as the dementors were set on fire. The screams of the unholy creatures that annoyed him were music to his ears.

The fact Harry rather gleefully mentioned he was no longer the out-of-the-closet pyromaniac in Gryffindor tower was even better.

Now there were a lot of children going 'fwoosh' and setting their defense homework ablaze.

Most teachers would be upset by that fact, but to Richard, it meant that they were finally going to try their luck at attacking instead of defending for once.

Apparently Harry gave a rousing speech on how they should concentrate on taking out the day's frustrations with Professor Richard, rather than be afraid of him. He was subtly trying to set it up so that they could actually provide entertainment once he started the 'questing prank' until people finally figured out he was setting them up from the start.

Well that and he needed to get a decent staff he could trust not to make mistakes. For example, the twins were his potion masters, Hermione would be in charge of the library and research, Luna took care of things while he was away, while Crabbe and Goyle were mostly for intimidation.

They were big enough to scare people, but dumb enough to never question the commands of the one making their lives more comfortable and would give them things within reason.

Five minutes under Harry's command, and they were his for life. Simple thugs like them could understand not angering the one who gave them actual respect.

"Remember children, there is no bad questions. Only ones that are so stupid that will get you set on fire...unless you hit first," said Richard in 'lecture' mode.

"Sir? Are we allowed to set you on fire?" asked a particularly brave second year...who promptly tried to set him on fire.

"Very good! That's the initiative that will get you through life!" said Harry approvingly.

"Ten points to Hufflepuff," said Richard, having remembered it was a Hufflepuff/Ravenclaw class.

The children were slightly disappointed when the bell rang...until Richard said that if their aim improved he would move on to ice shards and lightning if they were good.

Richard wiped away a fake tear.

"They grow up so fast. Hard to believe they used to piss their pants in sight of me."

"Harder to believe that people will soon no longer fear dementors once word gets out that the newest crop of students have been learning to cast wandlessly and how to aim properly," said Harry as dryly.

Oh yes, the 7th years like Oliver Wood had been particularly enthusiastic when they learned wandless magic was so prized that you could almost pick your career if you were any good at it. There had been a jump in auror and healers when people found out they could cast wandlessly.

Being able to heal without a wand was more than enough for people to overlook your potions grades, especially since Snape had been laying off non-Slytherins with Richard around.

Richard looked at the time.

"Don't you have that meeting with Lupin in an hour?"

"Thanks for reminding me. Bet you ten galleons he wants to talk about Black."

Richard rolled his eyes. That was a sucker's bet. Lupin seemed to be of the sentimental sort, so odds were he would try to convince Harry not to go looking for his 'psychotic' dogfather.

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