Ch 7

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"Remember, I get first dibs on anything dangerous or cursed," said Richard.

"And I get the snake, I know. How did you convince them to ignore us for the rest of the day anyway?"

"Told them I was out hunting for actual human hearts on Valentine's Day," shrugged Richard.

Harry stopped what he was doing, and turned to look him.

"I would ask if you were joking, but I have a feeling you aren't. That being said, is it possible for you to cover for me while I hide from fan girls?"

"I'll do you one better. I'll give the others a chance to get out of target practice and you can spend the day grading, therefor have a legitimate excuse for why you're not around," said Richard.

"And thus give me an alibi not even Snape could dispute."

Judging by Harry's grin, it was pretty clear he was going to multitask...or at least abuse his time turner for a bit of fun.

"Do share..." grinned Richard.

"Know what water balloons and water guns are?"

"Toys, and thus not very useful for outright chaos," said Richard.

"Not if you're only using water. Here's what we're going to do. Since you're leaving the castle for a bit anyway to get the hearts, I want you to pick up six hundred water guns and buy the balloons in bulk, along with funnels. Since Valentines is next week, I'm going to lend my time turner to the twins so they can do a mass brewing spree for prank potions, spend the night before carefully pouring them into the guns and balloons...then spread them around without Filch or the other teachers finding out until the war starts."

"You could always bring the house elves in on it, with the agreement to let them enchant the guns to make it easier for them to clean up...otherwise Filch is sure to kill you."

"Hmm...makes it easier to put the potions into the guns and balloons that way..."

The two entered the infamous Chamber...and the first thing out of Harry's mouth was...

"Tacky. Very tacky..."

And it was. Having a snake theme was fine, but this place made it look like Salazar was obsessed with the damn things. The twin snake statues lining the walkway to the relief at the back of the chamber looked horrendously lame.

"Even I have better taste than this. He took the 'evil snake' theme way too far."

Still, they had a job to do. Harry made sure to hold the bag open enough that the snake wold have no other choice but to go into the thing once it came out of the relief.

~Speak to me Slytherin, Greatest of the Hogwarts Four!~

The basilisk slithered out, and didn't realize the trap until it was already halfway into the bag. Harry closed it quickly once the tail cleared the relief, and then set it out the way.

Above him was a light spell, while his wand was continuously casting the 'scourgify' charm. He would explore the inside of the relief in hopes that the basilisk was just the guard dog for something really cool...or possibly eggs.

Richard would explore the various tunnels in hopes of finding something interesting.

Who knew what he would find growing down here?

With Harry...

The relief went about five feet into the rock face before it opened up to a much bigger room. From the looks of it, the basilisk would curl around the center of it while the rest seemed very clean. In fact it almost looked like...

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