Ch 13

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Richard was not happy, and for once he was on the same page as Dumbledore and nearly every teacher in the school.

Those dementors had swiftly passed from the nuisance stage to something that needed to be dealt with.

If they hadn't targeted Harry specifically, they could have just as easily gone after the rest of the students and the teachers would have been practically helpless to avoid casualties.

They didn't know what Harry did to destroy so many, but whatever it had been had literally drained his core until there was a bare ember when there should have been a volcano. Poppy had restricted a less than happy Harry to reading only. He wasn't to cast magic or use any magical objects for a week at the very least, a month at the worst.

Which meant Richard was, for better or worse, off the leash Harry normally kept him on. Fortunately it was pretty clear to everyone that the warlock was more interested in flambeing some dementors than going on a rampage among the castle inhabitants.

Case in point, when he summoned a small meteor shower after hearing the news and destroyed fifty of the things before the twins calmed him down by informing him Harry was awake.

Say what you would about the warlock, but once you were on his good side he did actually show a semblance of giving a damn about what happened to you. Like when he didn't entirely kill Cale when they first met, and even took him to a cleric...or let him get away with all those stupid 'Dick' jokes he seemed to have great pleasure in making around him.

Hermione looked frazzled. Harry, in his irritation with the girl, waited until he was finally cleared to use magic again before he confiscated her time turner.

"You will get this back the next DADA lesson. Until then you will ask for that day's assignment and actually sleep instead of relying on your time turner to get to class," said Harry firmly. As TA he could legally confiscate it and not have to deal with McGonagall. The fact he was also one of the few students who bothered to learn healing meant he could take it away if it impacted Hermione's health.

Hermione looked frustrated, but at least she knew he wouldn't keep it. Why would he bother when he had one of his own?

Harry grumbled under his breath as he headed to the kitchens for a snack...when Draco Malfoy crossed his path. Of course he still had Hermione's time turner in hand, fully intent on handing it to the mediwitch to return once Hermione no longer had bags under her eyes.

Draco took one look at the thing and sneered at him. Every since he 'miraculously' healed after the game, he had been getting on Harry's last nerve. So when he tried to take the time turner in his hand, his patience snapped. Harry drew his wand, causing Draco to instinctively draw his.

What happened next would have Draco in more trouble than even his father could get him out of.

A spell hit the time turner in Harry's hand, causing to shatter and spill time sand all over him...which in turn reacted to the Overlord fire Harry had in his right hand along with the artifact.

It was a little known fact that Overlords used an inter-dimensional spell to get around through the Tower network, or that it didn't really react well to foreign magics. Most of the time, nothing at all would happen...but there were certain powers that would cause an unusual reaction.

Time magic happened to be one of them. Why Gnarl remembered a particularly memorable incident when one of the Overlords got stuck fighting his predecessor because some hero got lucky with a spell meant to slow down the Overlord and instead flung him to the past.

It nearly cause a paradox, but evil always finds a way. In this case, Gnarl knocked out the 'future' Overlord, threw him into the dungeons and waited for the effect to wear off.

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