Chapter 12

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 "What if all the myths were true..."

                                   -Liu Kang

"Khloe, conference room 3, now" Sebastian Elliot says as he walks out of his office.

He's typing something on his phone as he walks away, steps urgent.

I quickly save the file I'm working on and pick up my laptop so I could reference some files if needed. This must be an impromptu meeting. We have those at least once a week.

I power walk towards the conference room, slowing down when I see the people in the room.

Sebastian Elliot, Robin Cavanaugh, which is weird enough since he rarely comes to this floor and a man I've never met before but I've seen his pictures enough times to be able to recognize him. Malcom Harrington, the third partner of CEH inc. My friend's boss.

His blonde hair is windblown and the blue tie he's wearing is crooked, like he'd been pulling at it. I can't see his eyes from where I'm standing but according to Wikipedia they are ice blue.

He recently got back from the Chicago branch and is now the CEO of CEH Media.

For all three shareholders to be holding a meeting, something is definitely up. I suddenly realize Malcom and Robin don't have their assistants present. Did I make a mistake? Sebastian did ask me to come.

At that moment Robin glances up and our gazes meet. His eyes darken slightly as they slowly move down my body and my breath catches. This is the first time I'm seeing him since that night at his apartment over a week ago.

He looked good enough to eat.

"Come on in Khloe" Sebastian's voice cut through my thoughts. My face heats as I walk into the room.

For the first time I notice the sitting arrangement. No one is sitting at the head of the table, which is understandable since they're all heads of different departments of the company.

But the three of them are all sitting on one side of the table and as I walk in Sebastian points towards the other side for me to sit.

It feels like I'm facing a court of jury.

Me against them.

What the hell is going on?.

I place my laptop on the table and perch on the chair facing Sebastian.

He's the one I report to and honestly, the only one I feel brave enough to look straight in the eye.

No matter what he may or may not be, he's honest and straightforward. Honorable.

"We're currently working on a new deal. It's hush hush, so no one knows about it yet and we'd like to keep it that way. These two guys don't trust their assistants much, but I trust you. That's why you're here"

I relax, adjusting my perch on the chair, hyper aware that I have three pairs of eyes that may be Aether on me but I did trust Sebastian too so I smile at him.

"Whew. For a moment there I thought I was in trouble" I half joke.

Sebastian chuckles. Now that I know this is a firing squad, I face Malcom Harrington "We haven't met yet. I'm Khloe Jenkins"

He looks straight at me through eerie eyes that are a very pale turquoise shade. Glacier cold. they're so pale, they can pass for silver. Shards of light bounces off them making it seem as if they glisten, like they're glowing.

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