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"And whether consciously or not, you must be in many a heart enthroned, Queens you must always be. Queens to your lovers, Queens to your husbands and sons. Queens of higher mystery to the world beyond, which bows itself, and will forever bow before the myrtle crown, and the stainless scepter of womanhood."

                                 -John Ruskin.

"Ljosalfars, here I present unto you Khloe Aelnora Jenkins La Fay, your undoubted Queen. Wherefore all you who come this day to do your homage and service, are you willing to do the same?" The bejeweled robed, white haired Fae standing in front of me asks the members of the council, and Light Faes fanned out around the throne room.

They all shout affirmatives.

He turns back to face me solemnly "Is your majesty willing to take the oath?"

I lift my chin up "I am willing" I answer confidently.

"Will you solemnly promise and swear to govern the Ljosalfars of Alfheim demesnes and other territories according to their respective laws and customs?"
"I solemnly promise so to do."
"Will you to your power cause law and justice, in mercy, to be executed in all your judgements?"

"I will."

"Will you to the utmost of your powers maintain the laws of the realm? Will you to the utmost of your powers preserve unto the Alfheim councils, male and female, committed to their charge, all rights and privileges, as by law do or shall appertain to them or any of them?"

"I will"

He closes the book he was reading from and places it on the high table behind him. He lifts up a silver goblet filled with a golden liquid and hands it over to me.

As we did in rehearsal, I tilt my head a little to the side as I take a sip of the tasteless drink. As I swallow, the hairs on my arms and neck stand up, my entire body becoming charged with electricity. I clench my fists hard and it takes all my willpower not to stumble at the onslaught of sensations racing through me.

He nods approvingly and returns the silver goblet.

He lifts up a light blue satin sleeveless shift and hands it to me. I carefully wear the flimsy material over my ball gown.

When I'm done, he speaks some words in an old foreign foreign tongue, and the electricity flowing to my veins becomes more charged, shivers racking down my entire body at the primitive words.

He nods at the plain wooden chair behind me. The previous throne had disappeared when Casimir died, and I had learnt a throne is created according to the medium of the monarch sitting on it. A crown is created the same way.

As I sit on the high backed chair a burst of light explodes from me, from the chair. I grip the armrests tightly as my head is flung back, chest thrust up by the blast of power.

Familiar sensation of vines climbing the chair, up my body racks me. Cool liquid caresses my body, not penetrating my skin or clothes, but moving over my body, tickling me.

When the light fizzles out it takes a moment for my eyes to adjust to the lighting.

The conductor of the ceremony climbs up and places a large ornate mirror in front of me.

I don't recognize the creature sitting on a throne in the reflection. Her head moves when I move mine, and her hands go up when I raise mine. Her dress is different from the one I wore to this hall.

The material at her torso is a velvety electric blue, that gets lighter as it goes down. At the waist it becomes a very light green that gets deeper as the dress flows down her legs and over her ankles.

She's sitting on a large Icy blue-green throne, with bursts of thorny flowers and plants. On her head is a golden crown with sharp icy edges, and thorny flowers wrapped around it at the bottom, the flowers disappearing into her luminescent silver hair.

He takes the mirror away and after safely stashing the glass away, he announces.

"Her Majesty, the Queen!"

Everyone in the hall bow down deeply as their voices ring out reverently "Long live the queen!"

He places a large gold scepter in my hands.

As I tighten my grip on the scepter, colorful flowers grow around it, tiny imperceptible thornes protruding from it, and a large orb of water appears at the top of the scepter.

"Her majesty, the Queen!" He calls out again.

Again the crowd bows deeply "Long live the queen!"

Robin, dressed in an all black outfit, sifts to me, taking his place standing just behind me, a hand on my shoulder as the Faes trickle out of the hall to celebrate in the vast gardens on the palace ground, and I hold court with the council for the first time.

      Robin, dressed in an all black outfit, sifts to me, taking his place standing just behind me, a hand on my shoulder as the Faes trickle out of the hall to celebrate in the vast gardens on the palace ground, and I hold court with the council ...

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"When the sun whispers goodbye in soft gold, it hugs the earth as one beautiful soul."

                             -Angie Weiland-Crosby.


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