Chapter 19

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"You never know how strong you are until being strong is your only choice"

                               -Bob Marley.

Robin curses viciously.

He snatches up his discarded pants from the floor and quickly puts them on.

I move to grab the duvet but my fingertips touch vines instead. I pull my hand back immediately and watch, stunned as a flower slowly blooms.

My heart starts racing as my reality dawns on me.

"No no. This can't be happening"

I lay back down on the bed, I close my eyes, curling into myself and start rocking my body.

"This isn't happening. I'm still human. This is just a dream" I mutter to myself.

Warmth slithers over my legs climbing towards my stomach. I open my eyes to see the vines climbing up my body. Panicked, I sit up with a loud scream. The vines retreat.

Mindless with panic I jump from the bed and start running towards the door. Escape the only thing on my mind.

Leave this room. Leave this place.

If I can just get out of Robin's room, I'll be human again. It's his room. It's his room.

The entire house is a blur as I run out.

Robin suddenly appears in front of me. I barely stop fast enough to prevent barreling into him.

He puts his hands up, palms out "Khloe, I need you to calm yourself" he says slowly.

My breath heaves faster and faster.

"Calm yourself and think! You're naked, outside in the middle of nowhere in the middle of the night"

I glance around me and realize I can no longer see the house or any recognizable landmark. When did I get here?

Reading the question in my eyes he answers "The fae are incredibly fast. You could run over a thousand miles in 2 minutes. Right now we're over 20 miles away from the house. Come to me and I'll take us back"

I take a step away from him "I want to go back to being human. I need to go back to being human."

He lowers his right hand slowly, and stretches it towards me, as if I'm a wild animal he doesn't want to spook.

"Do you trust me?" he asks.

I hesitate, "Yes."

"Then take my hand. Let me take you back home. Please"

I take a step towards him and am suddenly holding his hand. I stare into his eyes dumbfounded.

"Like I said, fast," he squeezes my hand in his gently.

The ground disappears beneath my feet and a wave of vertigo hits me, and then we're standing inside the study at his house.

"How do you do that?" I ask.

He lets go of my hand and starts pacing "It's called sifting. Vampires and some demons have the ability to go to a place they've previously been to. All they have to do is picture the place they want to go"


He gestures towards me with a hand "Explain yourself. Why didn't you tell me you were a Halfling?"

I shrug wrapping my arms around myself "At the time I didn't want to acknowledge or even admit the fact that I might be anything other than human. You and my dad are the only people who knows"

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