Chapter 20

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"If you can't fly, then run. If you can't run, then walk. If you can't walk, then crawl. But whatever you do, you have to keep moving forward.

                            -Martin Luther King JR.

I'm sitting on the grass in a field filled with the smell of daisies. I can't see them but they have to be somewhere close for the smell to be this strong.

My face is turned towards the sun and I close my eyes as I savor the quiet moment.

A light breeze blows through my hair and suddenly I can detect a new presence. I open my eyes and sure enough a woman is sitting right in front of me.

'Mom' I mouth and sit up heart pounding.

Her golden hair sways gently in the breeze and her blue eyes twinkle with the smile on her lips.

'I'm glad you remember me' Her voice is light and has a musical lilt to it.

'But you're dead' I say confused.

'Everything is not as it seems in the human realm. My physical body has perished but I am still existing.'

'This is a dream' I realize.

She laughs 'Yes I can visit you in your dreams'

I swallow 'Am I completely Fae now?'

Her smile fades 'Yes. I didn't want that for you Khloe, I hoped you would remain human. But then you met your mate so I can't blame you for changing since he's other'

'My mate?'

'Yes child, your mate. Though you have quite a difficult journey in front of you, I'm happy you found him. He'll be able to protect you.'

My heart stutters. Holy shit. Robin is my mate?

'We don't have much time. It took me a few hours to get past your mate's wards. He's a strong one,' She says approvingly.

'Why didn't I dream of you before?' I mean to ask gently but it comes out like an accusation.

Mom runs a gentle hand down my hair, her touch fleeting 'You did. But you always forget me when you wake up' her voice is a little sad.

'I won't forget this time?'

She shakes her head 'No' for a moment her body flickers and I can see the fields in front of me before she solidifies again.

'Oh no! My time is up. You must tell your mate to train and prepare you' her body flickers again and I panic, not ready for her to go yet. We still have a lot to talk about!

I stretch out my hands to hold her but it goes through thin air.

'Casimir knows you transitioned khloe! The Faes felt your transition in their court.' Her words are faint and the next time she flickers, she doesn't solidify again. I can hear her still talking.

'Tell your mate...Casimir is coming...He'll know what to do...protect yourself'

'Mom! Come back!' I yell my heart breaking.

Hot tears spill down my face as I stand up spinning around the field, trying to find her.

I come awake with a jerk, my legs jackknifing. My heart squeezes painfully and my face is wet with tears. I sit up slowly and try to come to terms with my dream. Mom.

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