Chapter 27

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"Even if we make mistakes, do terrible things, we can try to make things right. And that's what matters: Trying."
                                -Newt Scamander.

The next few weeks pass by in a monotonous blur. Valkyrie sifts me to her mom's house where she teaches me hand to hand combat for an hour before Hasley arrives and we move on to water combat. I meet Hasley's sister, Hailey, who is actually her identical twin sister. Her blonde hair is longer, and her eyes are a darker shade of blue, but their features are really similar and one can easily be passed off as the other.

I get two hours of training with each sister. I miss work.

Sebastian got a temp working for him and assured me that once the danger is over, I can come back to work. Spencer comes over during the weekends to cheer me on and encourage me. The highlights of my day are the evenings which I spend with Robin at the penthouse. The penthouse which is starting to feel like home. It's filled with most of my things. Robin's wardrobe has been divided into two. On one side are his things, and the other side is filled with mine. Seeing our things side by side gets my heart racing and gives me a sense of disillusionment and I have to pinch myself to be sure that yes, this is real, this is my life now.

"What are your plans for tomorrow?" Spencer asks as she swipes a coat of pink polish on my toes.

I shrug as watching her bent head, the overhead light making her hair glisten "Hasley and her sister have plans tomorrow, so does Valkyrie, so I'm going to be here I guess"

"Let's go out."

"Spencer..." I start but she cuts me off.

"You're turning 26 tomorrow. Do you really want to spend the day all cooped up?"

I had been thinking about it since a week ago. I've been good about regularly going to my trainings, brushing up on my knowledge about Faes. I deserve a break.

"I do want to go out" I shake my head "Robin's going to flip out."
"Tell your husband you're going to be okay. I invited the girls. You know from your training that they're strong, nothing's going to go wrong."

"Robin's not my husband." My heart skips a beat as I imagine it. My husband. I rub a hand over my chest. Down girl.

"Yet. He's not your husband yet. Anyone with eyes can see that man is gonzo over you. He's obsessed. I predict a wedding in your near future." She swipes clear polish over the colored coat on my toes and blows a little.

I wiggle my toes at the prickling sensation.

"I'll talk to Robin," I tell her bent head.

"Talk to Robin about what?" The man himself asks, suddenly appearing in the living room.

Spencer pops up on the couch "Jesus! One of these days, you're going to give a girl a heart attack" She scowls at Robin placing a hand on her chest.

His lips tils up, eyes twinkling "Sorry Spencer."

He walks over to me and bends down to place a loud kiss on my lips.

"Okay! I'm going. I'm too single to be witnessing this" Spencer stands up and tosses her stuff into her purse.

"Spencer, stay. You don't have to leave because of me" Robin tells her as he nudges my feet off the couch so he can sit beside me.

"Nah, I'm good. Thanks."

"Jake will drive you home" He tells her.

She smiles at him "I'm not going to say no to that offer. Don't forget what we talked about Khloe" She calls out as she walks towards the elevator.

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