Chapter 13

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"The power to dream is the power to participate in creation itself"

                 -Alberto Villoldo.

"Let me get this're going to Russia?" Spencer asks for the nth time as I look through my closet.

"Yes Spence, I'm going to Russia"

"Ugh" She says as she flops back on my bed "I can't believe you've met Malcom Harrington, guy is practically a ghost"

I make a hmm sound as I dismiss another outfit. Too flimsy. Russia is freezing this time of the year.

"What was he like?"

"What was who like?"

"Malcom fucking Harrington. Pay attention Khloe"

"Sorry. I don't seem to have proper outfits for Russia. It's supposed to rain a lot over the next week"

She stands up from my bed and walks over to join me in front of my closet. "Useless" She declares after a few minutes.

"Right? How come I only have two coats?"

"Because you're a weirdo who doesn't feel the cold that's how" She says affectionately.

I realize my strong resistance to cold probably stems from the fact that I'm part Fae.

"Well, I don't want to risk catching a cold when I'm supposed to be working"

"You've never caught a cold a day in your life" Spencer throws back.

"Still" I insist. According to my research, Siberia is one of the coldest regions in Russia. Better to have the warm clothes and not need them, than need them and not have them.

"Let's go shopping then" She rubs her hands together gleefully.

Spencer Miles and shopping is like coffee and milk. She loves it. Which is a good thing since I don't really care for it. I don't mind it, depending on my mood, it can be fun, but I don't go out of my way to shop, unless it's strictly necessary.

After changing we drive to Macy's.

After changing we drive to Macy's

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"This would look great on you" Two hours and several outfits later Spencer points to an emerald green Ruched Bardot body con dress.

It's too impractical for Russia and I'd probably freeze within 30 seconds but I still finger it. I think about wearing it for Robin, what his reaction would be.

"I'm buying it" I say impulsively.

"Yes!" my favorite enabler pumps her fist.

I buy a couple of water resistant boots, some sweaters, coats, and a brown leather jacket I fell in love with at first sight.

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