Chapter 1

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"It is only a legend." Charles sighed as he looked up from the book he was reading.

Being in a tomb, there wasn't always the best lighting to read anything, yet he seemed to take that as a challenge. He had heard of some many legends throughout his life, mostly thanks to his somewhat famous explorer family. He knew just how accurate legends could be and when to place trust in any of them.

"That's rich coming from someone of your background." Marion replied as she turned away from the tomb wall she was dusting the sand off with a small brush.

Being the only female of the group, most thought she would be easy to intimidate but that was the farthest thing from the truth. Having grown up an only child but also to a somewhat famous explorer family, she knew when people were underestimating her and decided to use that to her advantage. Her grandfather had taught her a good many things as did her father.

"Why am I the one that has to carry all the equipment? I thought we hired people to do that?" another male, Derrick, complained as he sat down a large chest and began to unpack more equipment.

"Ask Mr. Gambler over that." Marion said, looking right at Charles.

"One game Marion, it's not like I bet all of our funds due to being drunk." Charles sighed as he put the pencil he was using to write things down in the book he was holding, into his mouth though you could still hear his very distinct english accent, thanks to his grandmother's side of his family.

"Right, I still remember having to pay three girls to leave our quarters because you had promised them and I quote "the time of their lives'' Derrick replied with a raised brow.

Charles tried to remember that night, he hated when they were right. Yet as he tried to think back, nothing came to mind. He looked a deer in headlights, unsure what he would say next.

"I don't remember any of that." he mumbled.

"You passed out, in my bed, right next to me while I was asleep." Marion answered unamused.

"This doesn't help us with the legend, we have no idea where the pendent is and if there even was one to begin with." Charles said, distracting his teammates.

Shaking her head, Marion took the book from his hand and made eye contact with him.

"Helps to look at the right book, that one is for the temple of Edfu." Marion helped Charles by handing him the proper book. "That is the legend of the Amshere pendant."

Derrick chuckled and shook his head. Of course Charles would be the one to read from the wrong book. Still they had a lot of work ahead of them. This was a brand new dig and many of the halls and rooms were still left unexcavated. The walls seemed to hold nothing more than the inscriptions of the book of the dead for whatever mummy was found there.

Hearing a loud noise from behind them, Derrick, Marion and Charles turned around to see Gerald, a former colleague looking at them with a gun raised at them. Not the friendliest of welcomes they had ever had. Three men also armed with guns came up behind Gerald and grinned when they saw the other three standing there.

"You fools actually came, permits and all, leaving quite the paper trail." Gerald chuckled as he lifted up their permits.

"You still follow us, completely unoriginal or willing to do any real work yourself." Marion said as she stood before the two men in her group. "You have no right to be here, clearly we got here first, move along."

"Marion, you never did learn when to shut that pretty little mouth of yours." Gerald said walking forward but both Charles and Derrick pulled Marion back behind them.

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