Chapter 6

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"I love you Marion, I will avenge your death." Charles said as he readied himself with his two guns and started down the hall.

Marion opened her eyes and managed to hold her wound enough to make it over to Derrick. He was barely conscious. Looking at her, she saw him smile and he could barely caress her face.

"I'm going to save you, then you save me. Charles can't do this alone." Marion told him as she rested her body against his. "Why did you betray us?"

"Life debt." he barely managed to tell her.

"Everything was a lie." Marion said as she looked deep into his eyes.

Derrick shook his head best he could. It wasn't a lie, he wanted to tell her the truth, the whole truth but his time was short and he could barely talk even though he was stabbed after her.

"No...I" Derrick managed to speak as his body went limp before her.

"Oh no you don't!" Marion began to speak the spell from the book of the living that had helped another female explorer years ago.

Derrick's body had a light come from it and it covered the entire room. Then his eyes burst open as he looked at Marion who was barely holding on. He quickly sat up and took her in his arms.

"Marion, I'm sorry, I can explain." he started but she shook her head.

"You have to save me now." Marion said, handing him his phone and playing the recording as she went cold and limp in his embrace.

'Derrick, I brought you back with a spell from the book of the living, you have to use it to bring me back too.'

Derrick followed what the recording said to a t. Just like what happened with his body, a light enveloped around Marion's body and her eyes opened again. Derrick helped her to stand up and she slapped him right across his face.

"Ouch, ok I deserved that. I owed them, they were only supposed to take some artifacts, not the pendant or our lives!" Derrick explained.

She could believe that he sucked at gambling and was nowhere as good as Charles. Both of them looked to the hall and could hear shouting and yelling followed by gunshots.

"We'd better go help him." Marion said as they took off down the hall.

They barely got to the end of the hall, to the main chamber when the tanned woman held up the fake pendant and what looked to be a mummified baby? Charles was knocked across the room by one of the henchmen.

"CHARLES!" Marion called out to him.

His head shot up in complete shock.

"MARION?!" he yelled back.

The tanned woman finished the incantation and the whole place began to shake. Charles rushed past everyone as did Marion and when they finally reached each other the whole place went black.

Opening her eyes Marion could tell something was different. She was in a large room, with white curtains blowing in the breeze. Feeling something move beside her, she turned her body to see Charles was fast asleep. Looking down she saw she was dressed in a very revealing lightweight white dress. Standing from the bed she looked around the room and there were statues all around her of the ancient Egyptian gods. Hathor being quite prominent. Pushing the curtains to the side she saw what looked to be, at least from her studies, the ancient city of Thebes.

"What is going on here?" Charles said as he stood and was barely covered by a mid length shaw wrapped around his waist.

"I think she sent us back, all of us." Marion spoke from the balcony.

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