Chapter 8

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"Son of a bitch..." Charles sighed as he knelt down.

"Could he still be alive?" Marion asked, hoping against hope.

"I have no idea, maybe if we get a team out here for an emergency we'd be able to get more answers." Charles said as he stood up to look at Marion. "I'll go radio for help, you want to come with me?"

Marion was still in shock as she looked around the room and then to Charles. Shaking her head, she watched as he took off to find the way out that the others used to get in. Looking around the room, there were bodies all around. Going from body to body she took what guns she could find as well as the ammo. Coming to a rifle, she wondered if it had night scope on it and to her luck it did.

Going back to the gap, she aimed the rifle down hoping she would be able to see something or someone. However it showed nothing but abyss. Sighing in defeat she put the gun down and lowered her head. Charles came back quickly and saw she had collected all the weapons from the bodies but just held the rifle in her hand as she looked down into the gap.

"They're on their way, rescue crew as well. Come on, we'd better get up there." Charles said as he helped her up.

"He didn't deserve that, not that kind of death." Marion mumbled as she walked out with Charles.

Sitting up beside the dig site, Marion couldn't help but think back to the look of shock on Derrick's face. How could she have forgotten about that woman? Charles sat down beside her.

"It's not your fault, I should have shot her and none of this would have happened." Charles said as he cleaned his gun.

"She was in my grasp, I should have just cracked her neck and ended her." Marion said with a deadly serious tone.

Charles paused and looked at Marion, she saw the pendant around her neck was now a green color.

"Marion, hand me the necklace, it's affecting you too much." Charles said as Marion looked at him.

"What? You mean because I dared to think of killing that evil woman?" she asked, shocked.

"No, because it's green and I don't know what that means." he says pointing to it.

Marion looked down and quickly took off the necklace and sat it down beside her. Charles moved Marion and himself away from it as small sparks seemed to come out of it. Neither had any idea why it would do such a thing.

"What's happening?" Charles asked.

"I don't know, none of the studies ever mentioned that." Marion replied.

The rescue team arrived with the curator. He put the necklace in a glass container and kept it with him.

"Sir, can that necklace make someone evil?" Charles asked the curator.

"Sir, this is not supposed to exist. It was to give one more power than the Pharaoh, it would take the soul of the wearer as payment for such powers." the curator told Charles who made him look at Marion shocked. "Not it's tried but something fought back and she is still herself, please though, once you can come back to the museum we must find a way to destroy it."

Charles nodded in agreement. They had no idea how to destroy it but the fake one was much easier to destroy. The curator left to hide the pendant as the rescue team went deep into the gap which did turn out to have an ending. However the four bodies they pulled out were not of Derrick, the woman or Gerald.

"Where are they?" Marion asked as she looked at Charles.

"Something is up, they won't give up that easily." he replied as he went to walk off but Marion held his arm making him pause.

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