Chapter 9

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"You English come here and taking our history from us has been happening too long. We will be taking our treasures back and you will never be found." the curator said as he held the pendant up in his hand. "This will bring Egypt back to its prosperous time."

Her eyes widened, how could she have thought that man was their ally? Derrick already had a cut above his head and he looked like he would have a black left eye. She kept her breathing steady as she really wished she had a gun at that moment. That way she could just shoot the few men there, grab Derrick and get the heck out of there.

Suddenly she heard a man come forward. Turning she saw what looked like a security guard whisper something in the curator's ear and his face got red, no matter what news that guy just gave it clearly pissed the creator off.

"What do you mean you can't find them? They were just near my office, how incompetent could you have been not to kill them? That was the perfect opportunity. Fine, we will find them so they can join their friend Mr. Chambers. You, Haut, stay and watch him, he won't give you any trouble." the curator said about walking away.

Marion was still on the level above where all that had taken place and with her back flat against the pillar she wasn't seen as the curator and his goonies walked to try and find her and Charles. The one guard went to stand in front of Derrick and took the scarf out of his mouth.

"I could just kill you now, English scum." The man spoke in broken english.

"I'm not English." Derrick chuckled.

Of all the time to correct someone, this would not be that moment. Turning to look their way, Marion got an idea and she hoped it would work. Aiming the sai right at the guard, she threw it with all of her might and it went right through the guards back splashing Derrick's face with blood. The man was frozen in shock for just a moment until his body fell dead to the side. Rushing downstairs, she went to Derrick who was still in shock as well.

Taking her top shirt off, she wiped Derrick's face and cleaned the blood off him. That seemed to wake him up. He saw Marion take the other sai and cut him free.

"You did that?" Derrick asked in shock.

"Yeah, to be honest I was aiming for his head, but chest works as well." Marion shrugged, not paying much mind to her words.

"That was aiming for his head?!" Derrick asked, shocked again and thankful she did at least hit the guy.

"Well, it still worked didn't it? I didn't see you coming up with an escape plan!" Marion yelled right back at Derrick.

Derrick then showed her his pocket knife and the part of the rope he had been cutting in secret. Seeing this, Marion tossed it behind her as she cut the ropes that were keeping his legs tied together.

"You saved me...again. I'm gonna have more life debts to you than anyone." he told her trying to lighten the situation.

Marion helped Derrick to stand up as she filled him in on what had happened with Charles in the office.

"You need to go call our families, we have to tell them that people are hunting us. Please Derrick, I need you to do this for me." Marion asked in a serious and hushed tone.

Derrick nodded as Marion bent down and pulled the sai out of the man and wiped the blood off on her soon to be discarded top shirt. Derrick held in the vomit that tried to escape his mouth.

"That's just gross." he commented to her.

"Well, it has to be done. Now go, they'll be back any minute." Marion said as she took off back to her previous hiding spot.

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