Chapter 3

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Back at the museum the curator shook his head in shock. To see so much history destroyed at the mere chance of finding something that was considered to be only a legend. It truly made him sick to think about it.

"He'll want to sell it on the black market but I believe if this truly is the pendant of amshere, then it will fall into very dangerous hands.'' Marion pointed out as she followed the curator.

"Yes, according to lore, the pendant is able to manipulate time and make the one who wears it immortal. Not the best legend I would say but still enough to drive treasure hunters to this kind of madness." the curator sighed.

"We have to stop the sale then, do we know anyone who may know something about the black market?" Derrick asked.

"Yeah, but it isn't gonna be easy getting us there without being noticed." Charles said as he walked off to make a call.

"Do I wanna know who he's calling?" Derrick asked Marion.

"No, some things are better left a mystery." Marion said as she took hold of Derrick's arm and pulled him to the side.

Away from everyone else, Marion turned left and right to make sure they were alone when Derrick grabbed her head and kissed her. She didn't know if it was because everything that was happening around them but the passion he put into the kiss made her knees go weak. Her memories of the night before came flooding back and she felt her right leg lift up and wrap around his on its own accord.

"Not here, we can't but believe me, get me alone in a bedroom with you and I will give you all I got." Derrick told her and he kissed her one more time before walking to find Charles.

Marion blushed and put her hand on her lips. All that passion came from Derrick? How had she not seen him in that way before? Was it always there and she was just oblivious to it? Going back to the curator she distracted herself as she helped him organize what could be saved.

"All good?" Derrick asked Charles who nodded and put his phone in his pocket.

"Yeah, we should have everything we need tomorrow morning." Charles replied as he looked up at the sky and rubbed the bottom half of his face. "This is gonna be dangerous, I don't like the idea of Marion getting hurt."

"Neither do I, one of us needs to stick with her at all times I say." Derrick suggested.

"You mean you right? I saw you go to her tent that night, and I saw the smile on your face when you left the next morning. Don't be stupid though, break her heart and I will kill you." Charles said, looking right at Derrick.

"Same to you, she may think you two are only friends with benefits but I know that look, you've had it for her since we started hanging out in college. Why haven't you just told her?" Derrick asked, really wanting to know.

"I can't lose her, if something went wrong between us, I'd never forgive myself." he answered honestly. "Now you and her ar-"

"No, don't, it's pretty much the same thing you and her have, I bet she was expecting you that night and not me. Still I won't stop unless she tells me to. Just letting you know that."

The small apartment above the museum wasn't much but it was a place to stay for the night. Marion had text her father, letting him know everything she could remember and yet she didn' get a reply. However when she did the same for her grandfather he immediately called her.

"Hello?" she answered.

"Hey kid, as much as I love you being in the family business, I wonder if you don't have a target painted on you like I did." her grandfather chuckled.

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