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"T-Tenkooo!!!" Himiko yelled. Full of desperation, Himiko grabbed the cage, and lifted it up.

The sight in front of us made Himiko's face show horror. The smell of iron spread around the room. But the one thing that made all of us know why the seance failed...

Was Tenko Chabashira's dead body.


"HA! SHE JINXED HERSELF!" Kokichi whacked the back of my head harshly, making me wince in pain.

~Ding Dong Dong Ding~

We all looked at the monitor.

"Wh-Who would've thought... there'd be another victim during the investigation...?" Monotaro stammered. "Maybe Monophanie's green puke was predicting this tragedy...!"

As if on cue, Monophanie proceeded to vomit.

"Oh, the puke's color is normal now! I guess it was predicting this!" Monotaro added.


The monitor turned off.

The running footsteps of the other students came rushing inside the room.

"T-Tenko! S-Seriously!?" Kaito shrieked.

"Wh-What is this? How did this happen?" Tsumugi asked.

"T-Tenko...! Gonta so sorry... Gonta no could protect you!" Gonta apologized, his voice crack very obvious in his tone of voice.

Shuichi just stood there in shock.

"Shuichi, explain the situation." Maki demanded, glaring at Shuichi. "I thought you were conducting the seance. What happened?"

"I-I don't know... What's... happening...?" Shuichi muttered.

The Monokubs appeared.

"I'm surprised, too! I never thought a murder would happen during an investigation!" Monotaro exclaimed. "U-Uhm, I guess for now... you should maybe start the investigation right away!?"

"Before that, I would like to confirm something..." Kiyo spoke up. "The culprit who killed Angie may be a different culprit from the one who killed Tenko, yes?"

"Huh?" Shuichi muttered.

"What happens in the event there are two murders by two people? What if there are two blackened?" Kiyo asked. "Will we need to find them both at the class trial?"

"Now that you mention it, that's a good point. What would happen in that scenario?" Kiibo added.

"Ooh! Do they both get executed!? Double execution fits double murder!" I suggested. Kokichi whacked the back of my head again.

"Huh? Wh-What would happen? Monodam... what would happen?" Monotaro asked.

"WH-WHAT-WOULD-HAPPEN...?" Monodam muttered.

"Why do you look lost, too, Monodam!? I thought you were gonna run things instead of Daddy!" Monophanie scolded.


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