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"Welp, nighty-night!" Kokichi exclaimed. He dragged the both of us down, where we were both laying down on my bed. He cuddled up to me and buried his face into the crook of my neck. I smiled softly and rested my head on the top of his.

"Night, Mako."


~Ding Dong Bing Bong~

I didn't even bother to watch the morning announcement. I just... felt so... cold.

Where did that warmth from last night go...?

I looked up to see no one in bed next to me.

Oh... so he left.

I got up and started walking to the dining hall. I saw Shuichi talking with Himiko, but I didn't bother to know what it was about. I walked inside the dining hall and sat next to Kokichi.

"Why'd you leave?" I asked.

"I... honestly don't know." Kokichi replied.

"We have to fight back! We have to fight Monokuma!" A voice exclaimed. We turned to the voice, and it was Gonta.

"G-Gonta... it's reckless... don't you think?" Tsumugi asked.

Shuichi walked in, and he flinched at the sudden yell.

"But we gotta do it! If not now, then when!?" Gonta yelled.

"L-Like I said before, it's reckless! There are still two Exisals, right!?" Tsumugi argued, trying to calm down the raging Gonta.

"Gonta know that... but..." Gonta trailed off. "Watching friends disappear... Seeing everyone get weaker... Gonta no can take this anymore! That's why Gonta go fight Monokuma!"

"Fight Monokuma!?" Shuichi shouted, shocked from Gonta's reason for yelling.

"Shuichi, good timing! Talk some sense into him!" Himiko demanded. "Gonta's saying a bunch of reckless stuff and he won't listen to us!"

"Aww! But why, though? This is sooo entertaining!" I whined, Kokichi agreeing with me.

"Gonta know it reckless... but it only way to save everyone." Gonta explained. "Waiting around, doing nothing just make more victims... That why Gonta gotta risk his life! Real gentleman would risk life! Gonta gladly give up life to save everyone!"

"Gonta, I get how you feel, but don't you think you're getting ahead of yourself?" Kaito asked.

"Y-Yeah! It's reckless to fight against them barehanded!" Tsumugi added to Kaito's questioning.

"More like meaningless. You shouldn't do that." Kokichi denied. "And even if you did do that, it wouldn't stop the killing game."

"What?" Shuichi muttered.

"God damn it, here we go again..." I mumbled, pinching the bridge of my nose with my eyes shut.

"Why not?" Gonta asked.

"Actually, why would you even want to stop the killing game? It's just starting to get fun!" Kokichi exclaimed. "It'd be a waste to stop it now." Kokichi put on an angry expression. "You guys are all whack jobs!" Kokichi gave me a soft smile and pat my head. "Except you, N/N." His angry expression returned as he faced everyone else. "Is something wrong with your heads!?"

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