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It made me realize... that I love him.


"Hey there. I guess I don't have to introduce myself, huh? I get that this is probably confusing, seeing... yourself like this. Guess I should start from the beginning. That's the way it is. Now, Monokuma probably already told you this, but just in case... This killing game will continue until there are only two people left. Now the important part of that rule is that--Oh. There is... one more thing. Well, the truth is... this isn't your first--Anyone who finds out who you are is gonna come for you... So watch your back. Trust no one. And never forget... You wanted this killing game, so you have to win no matter what. No matter what."

Live and Let The Languid World Live

~Ding Dong Bing Bong~

I didn't listen to the announcement as I groggily opened my eyes. I realized that Kokichi probably went to his own room last night, which is why I felt cold when I woke up. I went out of my room and went to the dining hall. I saw Kokichi and sat next to him, Shuichi coming into the room soon after.

"Good morning, everyone." Shuichi greeted.

"Ah... yeah. Good morning." Tsumugi greeted back.

"Good... morning..." Kiibo added to the greeting.

Miu sighed.

"What's wrong, bro!? You're not gonna eat!?" Kaito asked, practically shouting in Shuichi's face.

"If you don't eat, then Gonta will eat you instead, Shuichi." Kokichi threatened. I whacked the back of his head gently.

"Ah, he'll eat me? Don't you mean my breakfast...?" Shuichi attempted to correct the liar.

"Speaking of Gonta, where is he? I haven't seen him this morning." Kaito mentioned.

"He's not here yet?" Shuichi asked.

"He's probably still sleeping..." Kiibo theorized.

Miu sighed once more.

"Heeey! You guys have no energy! You need to look alive! You're all still teenagers!"

Everyone turned to the shouting, and it was surprisingly Himiko.

"H-Himiko?" Shuichi muttered.

How and why--

"Your 'good mornings' are too quiet! It's cuz you're so quiet that you feel down!" Himiko scolded.

Miu sighed louder.

"I didn't mean you should sigh louder!" Himiko yelled.

"Weird. I thought you'd be the most depressed out of all of us." Maki commented.

"To be honest, same." I agreed.

"Of course... I'm depressed. This is the most depressed I've been in all my 200 million years." Himiko said.

"200 million years!?" Tsumugi shouted.

"But... being depressed won't help those who died rest in peace..." Himiko trailed off. "Tenko and Angie, too. If I stay depressed, they won't be able to rest in peace either." Suddenly, Himiko jumped up with her arms in the air, her hat coming off of her head. "So in order to make their deaths have meaning, I've decided to live my life with positivity!" Himiko then proceeded to pant for air. "S-So anyway... Please... t-take care of the... new me..."

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